what does THC stand for?


New Member
me and a couple of friends were smoking yesterday and we started thinking about THC and we realized that we didnt know what it stands for. we knows its the chemicals, but what does the actual letters mean? :hmmmm:

after a nice bowl, we came to the conclusion that it meant "The High Chemical" :rasta:
TO a learning friend

Hmmm. First of all if your smoking weed, why you give a shit what THC stands for. There are far more important things in this world you guys could be using your brain power for...like trying to figure out if a tree makes a sound if it falls in an empty forest. Or why the sky likes blue but not baby blue.

See waaaay more important.

But to other matter, it either means 'This Has Cannabis'
or Tetra Hydro Cannainols. Im not sure.
Hawker said:

we cant really control what we think about when we are high.
it came up because he was cleaning his pipe and he started talking about all the THC that was left on it. and we were like, yeah man, what does that mean again? :laughtwo:

and now that you know. youll soon forget what it means and again youll ask yourself what the defenition is. But again it wont matter.

Im telling you, important questions like; what the sound of one hand claping sound like, matter doubly than what THC means.

Unless your making money knowing what it means. Then you bet your ass youll know what it means forever.
parappadrapper said:
like trying to figure out if a tree makes a sound if it falls in an empty forest
It technically doesn't... because sounds is all waves... and until those waves hit something to bounce off of, they aren't really 'sound'

I like Science :biggrin:
To those it may concern

SeXy VeXy said:
It technically doesn't... because sounds is all waves... and until those waves hit something to bounce off of, they aren't really 'sound'

I like Science :biggrin:

Really? Even though there are trees around the tree that fell.

Did you notice I used a redundancy empty...forest? Funny stufff :D
Re: TO a learning friend

parappadrapper said:
Hmmm. First of all if your smoking weed, why you give a shit what THC stands for.

THC is what gets you high...of course he gives a shit. as a smoker, you should kno that the thc in the weed is what is giving you that awesome high you are obviously lookin for when you smoke weed. duhhhh
if the tree fell in the woods, and the sounds are waves and arent sound till they bounce off something like sexxy vexy said ummm wouldnt the waves bouncing off the trees make the waves sound and besides I bet a squirl or a racoon would hear it ha ha
Sweet 3-D rendition of the molecule!

I took 2 semesters of Organic Chem at Purdue and while it did help me understand some of that nomenclature, It didn't even come close to helping me figure out how the stuff worked in any way. Cannabanoid receptors in the human brain? Anandamine? The Bliss molecule? This is way too deep for me! I've been shmokin since 1979 and the Anandamide phenom was only discovered in 1992!

This page I found fascinating!

General Chemistry Online: The Bliss Molecule
Bruce Cockburn? Mr Moose, haven't head that name for a long time. Used to go to his concerts in Toronto 35 years ago.. yep, if anyone could hear that tree fall, it would be he. :laughtwo::peace:
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