How To Determine Sex With Pre-Flowers


New Member
Simple, If your plant has what appears to be little sacs growing in, then it is male and if you see what appears to be white hairs, pistils, then you have a female, Be pateint pre-flowers will usually not emerge untill a few weeks into flowering.


Thats cool Hash. Glad you had an example of a male. I got rid of all mine long ago before I even started taking pics. Didnt know if I wanted to take any chances with my ladies. Sometimes you can wish that you would have one just to show the differences and what to watch for but its pretty risky. GJ Bro!

MRS MV...:smokin2:
hi ive got a question. on the picture of the female plant there are little "spines" coming up on the branch right next to where the leaf comes out of the stalk, right around where that flower is started.
is this a sign of female sex or do all plants have these before they show signs.

im wondering because there's this plant thats about 1 month old and its not verry big (maybe 5 sets of leafs up so far) but it has little green spines parallel to the each set of leaves. is she a female or too early still to tell??
blacturboteg420 said:
naw those are not female signs all paltns got those
You have no idea what you are talkng about, How can a male have pistils?

Here is the dictionarys definition,

pis·til (n.) - The female, ovule-bearing organ of a flower, including the stigma, style, and ovary.
you have to put it into flowering, if outdoors wait till july. those "spines" are not the stigma or a pistil. all plants have the spines. you can kind of see them on the pic of the male but they are most visible on the female pic
^ I think he was thinking of the stipules which are on both male & female plants and look similar to the pre-flower pistills only it's green not white.

I can always tell before flowering, maybe they come out early because I use a wide range of the color spectrum
yeah thats what i was talking about. the stipules or whatever they are lol.
is there any other way to know before you cut back on the light? size difference between plants of the same strain or anything like that?
So.. No matter how old the plant is, if its outside it wont flower until July??
yehah i didnt say that a male plant has pistils i said male and females have those little thingi think called stipules that people ofthen get confused wiht tellin sex.. i not once said that a male can have pistils that is only if it is a hermi.. and hash why u got to be like that you said u dont know what u are talkin about i worded it wrong or something and it was a mistake not everone is perfect
okay, so to determine if its a male or female, when the flowers start growing on the nodes, if it grows in little sacks that become leaves, means its a male? because thats what mine is doing and im getting pissed.
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