What Brand Air-Pot?

Basically there are four choices.

Smart Pots (fabric)

Root Maker (hard plastic)

Root Builder (wrapping plastic)

Superoots Air-Pot (stronger wrapped)

Smart Pots are a great economical option and they work well. Only downfall to their design is the bottom of the container can never air prune because it stays moist against the surface of the floor. However I've used them many times with great success and never really saw negative reactions from the plants. I was in Botanicare trays.

Root Maker & Root Builder are the same company. The Root Maker is a normal style pot with small holes on it.

Root Builder and Air-Pots are very similar, however Air-Pots are higher quality in my experience. The air-pot wraps diagnal rather then straight up and down like the RB. The air-pot comes with a sweet little plastic piece you twist into the pot to tighten its wrap. RB has zip-ties.

Air-Pots did well by also air-pruning the bottom of the pot so we don't have any issues with the bottom roots not getting pruned.

Air-Pots FTW

Smart Pot if you're on a budget.
Basically there are four choices.

Smart Pots (fabric)

Root Maker (hard plastic)

Root Builder (wrapping plastic)

Superoots Air-Pot (stronger wrapped)

Smart Pots are a great economical option and they work well. Only downfall to their design is the bottom of the container can never air prune because it stays moist against the surface of the floor. However I've used them many times with great success and never really saw negative reactions from the plants. I was in Botanicare trays.

Root Maker & Root Builder are the same company. The Root Maker is a normal style pot with small holes on it.

Root Builder and Air-Pots are very similar, however Air-Pots are higher quality in my experience. The air-pot wraps diagnal rather then straight up and down like the RB. The air-pot comes with a sweet little plastic piece you twist into the pot to tighten its wrap. RB has zip-ties.

Air-Pots did well by also air-pruning the bottom of the pot so we don't have any issues with the bottom roots not getting pruned.

Air-Pots FTW

Smart Pot if you're on a budget.

thanks for that info JJ...just what I was looking for!
I like the hard plastic air pots :thumb:


They have a little screw in plug to hold pots together, just unscrew to remove root mass/soil after grow is complete wash 'n' reuse.

Very difficult to over water & no root balling :love:

May dry out a bit quicker tho with all those holes !
I've not tried the fabric pots yet !

But heard of green algae forming on them from reports on the forums & would suspect its just the nutrients sitting in the fabric & the light getting to them forming the algae... but not very confident on how robust they are & may be prone to damage when used a few times ?

The many holes in the plastic air pots may provide critters a home... more likely a minor problem if using them out doors, but then again it does not take much for critters to get into any ol pot with soil in if they want to & more of a case of prevention if known critters may cause a problem.

Only had fungus gnats once or twice on an indoor grow tho with air pots & was not to much of problem once a soil drench organic insecticide was used.

Pain in the butt when soil/compost was dry tho as water/drench/nutrient may pour out of the holes if all applied at once & best done bit at a time to allow to soak into growing medium.
I was growing in 6L air-pots (just check my old grow linked below) and now I'm using a 10L one for an Afghani gal. If you're not planning to grow landrace sativas they will be fine for your grow. As the others have said they dry out quickly, you need to water every 2-3 days if it's very hot (90-110•F), but your plants will never get rootbound and you'll see rapid leaf/bud growth comparable with hydro. Check air-pot journals, there are plenty!
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