First grow - different size plants - help


New Member
Hello all.... This is my first post but I have been reading and learning here for months. I got 10 Ak48 seeds and all germed in 1 day. I placed them in rockwool and all of them grew evenly and quickly. Once they reached about 2 inchs I planted them into the larger containers. 4 of them had a generic soil-less soil for seedlings and the other 6 I used Fox Farms Ocean Forest. They are under a 600 watt light.

Ok now that you know the back ground I will explain the issue. The plants are now 21 days since seeds germed. For the first few weeks they all grew evenly and well but the last week has shown diferant grow rates. The 4 in the generic soil have exploded with over an inch of vertical growth per day but the plants in the FF have stunted. They look healthy but havent grow much at all. One of them is still only a few inchs tall. Its obvious that it has something to do with the soil but does anyone know why it would do this?

FF soil has alot of pest in them and they will eat the roots. FF isnt really suitable for young plants. Its also to hot (meaning over fertilized) so normally ppl will cut it with perlite or coco coir, or some other soil. So its posible that it could be a root issue. Do you have hygrozyme or some type of enzyme? That will break down dead root matter and will help with new root growth. Since they still look healthy its not totally 100% thats the issue. But to much nematodes in the soil is bad. And FF has alot of them in there. So it could be a deficiency of some sort.
That will be a great thing to do. Let us know how it goes in about a week. And another thing remember not to over water. FF holds water longer than others. So you might want to let the soil dry out completely before watering them again. That also could be the issue. 5 days between every watering should be fine.

Dont forget to vote for member of the month the link is in my signature. Happy holidays to ya!!!! :thumb:
They wilt after 2 days???? :hmmm::geek: are you giving them enough water when you water them? You should see atleast 10% run off from under the pots. How close is your light? If the top of the soil gets real dry you still need to wait for the bottom of the pot to dry out. Wait until its feather weight when you lift it. Also raise your light a little more. They maybe be wilting from the heat. But if not give them a real good water and then go from there.
Water them till water runs out the bottom of the pots. I've never had to water my plants more than once every three to four days. I have them in 5 gallon pots and have given them about a gallon every watering since I put them into 5 gallon pots.
Thanks guys.... Im useing a MH Bulb thats vented through vent system. The light is about 18 inchs from the tallest plant. The inside temp runs about 78 deg and I can place my hand under the light and it doesnt feel to hot. When I water I catch the excess in the bottom, So I asume its getting plenty of water. I watered heavy yesterday morning so I will add another pic shortly.
Always let them completely dry the fuk out b4 watering again. When the pots are dry lift them to see how light they are...remember how they feel then water them good and lift them again...remember how this feels..then always let them dry all the way out before watering. This encourages root growth. A plant that has wet roots all the time does not need to grow more roots. Mt plants by the time they are in flower in 6 weeks the root ball is so thick and the roots are so efficient that I water some of them everyday but these are established thriveing plants with lost of leaves in the canopy. To acheive this nice root mass you must make the roots search for water and they do this best in the hours just before they HAVE to be watered..... just before the leaves droop from lack of water.

What's your lighting schedule? Like give me the initial time example (8am-12pm). I know when I water my plants they start to droop because they've just been fed and they are ready to sleep. Same thing before the lights go off everyday they tend to droop a bit because its getting closer to lights off and there ready for rest. So if they are drooping either during lights off or 1-2hrs before lights go off that is normal. If not then I'm assuming this is only happening in the fox farm soil so the roots maybe damaged or soil is water logged so you may need to transplant them into a different soil.
Them wilting after lights to off is normal. As they are resting. Also if you turn your lights on during the dark period I suggest putting a little green light in there instead of turnin on the main lights. Green light won't disturb the plants night period. Also what's the room temp and room humidity when lights go off? If its a little cooler and room humidity is a little higher that will make them wilt also which is normal. Make sure you empty out your catch trays also after you water. You don't want the "run off water" (excess water that comes out the bottom of the pot while watering) to soak back up into the soil.
water around the edges of the plant towards center. keep all the soil watered even. also dont let them sit in water get something to lift them up. a wick system works good.[look it up] only looks like a water issue. after all the read above. most likely over watering. plants do look good. if ya can put a pan in there. and tilt it. 1/4 inch tilt per 10 feet of down hill. [water runs off] then that would solve alot. also a cheep drip system works... also the curly uneven green[distortion] on that left plants leaf is a water uptake issue that is nute related[ very common indoors] . dont fertalize theese. not for some time. and the newer leaf looks good. once a leaf has an issue most likely it wont recover but will get health back so the distortion will be there but wont get worse. it is when ya see the same thing on new and old leaf then ya have a bigger issue.
keep posting pics every day if ya got time. everyone here is givng great advice. your in soil so dont fertalize young plants in soil.
that soil is hard to adjust for new people. go all organic when time to fert. wait till they are little bushes 12 to 20inches. if they look good then wait till bigger before ya fert. you went from cube to soil do ya know what your cube ph was and the soil ph was . that plays a big issues with early stunting. i ph adjust my cubes to 5.5 and soak my seed overnite at 5.5 with a few drops of bleach or soap. i get a one day germ rate and 99% seed crack. when they all sunk. then i put in cubes[very carefully. and dark but warm till they pop out useally a day to 3 days. then soft light 6500k floresents. during that time i run the water on a recirc resivoir drip system from the time i soak seed till they growing. and have first leaf set.[about an inch wide] i check the water ph of whats been circulating thru the soil the last few days. and and adjust it to 5.5 and let it run a day. then i dump all the water. plant them. and use water with less then 1/4 recomended organic fert/ liquid compost. i add only 1 drop superthrive per gallon. and i slowly raise ph to 6.5 in the watter as i add.
it takes about 3 week to go from 5.5 to 6.5 and i keep an average there +or- .2 and in soil i dont use r/o water. it will strip your plants over time.
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