Has anyone ever seen somethng like this, or has it happened to them? These are clones from Pineapple Chunk...they look, well, wierd. Single leaf. Little 'knot like' clusters....
That weird growth came at the end after the plant had nearly died 6 or 7 times over the summer.
I was unable to tend to her for days at a time and my guess is the stress cause the mutant growth.
I don't think you have much to worry about. The new growth looks like it's more normal. Give it some TLC.
not sure if this is ok to post here but what the hell you guys wana see a mutant heres one
started showing really weird signs from sprout . but did worry about it since its a fem seed from nirvana.. then i noticed as she got older that she wasnt growing symmectric at all and shooting growth were ever she pleased... i decided hey what hell lets top her and see what happens