Loose buds?


New Member
can flowers grow out and become loose if they go to far?
this is the only one that lacked density, maybe the genes, its a critical kush the only one in the grow that lacks density. same light same food

I personally always found huge light fluffy buds to be really nice smoke most of the time.

Sure as a grower it sucks because if they where dense it would have weighed 3 times as much. But quality wise it can be quite nice.

Its probably genetics though if its just that one plant. It looks healthy atleast.
I did'nt mention that its lacking in trichomes as well. I'm not to concerned with weight, the meds. I grow are all personal, its bad in a way, because I hold my plants to even a higher standard than if I were to sell it.
Well some strains just dont have as many tricomes. It looks healthy. I say just keep doing what you doing and if the smoke isnt any good youll know to skip that strain next grow.
I appreciate your words, I don't know what its like for most, but the ability to converse on this is awesome. I've been growing for a little while and this is such an extremely private thing for reasons of self preservation. I think its cool to be able to unload with out fear Thanks I really appreciate any in put
Yeah many of us feel that way Clever. I think a lot of us like posting and sharing here because we dont speak with many or any about it outside of online.

Even if we are on the side of the law and grow legally we can not let others know because there is always a thief somewhere lurking. Its sad but thats life and human nature.

Here we can talk openly about thoughts, ideas, or just simply what a great smoke we made or had :).
It's a dark side of human nature, its one reason I don't sell any of my grows. It's also cool to have storage problems because you have so much. but I feel that if I allowed myself to get caught up the capitalsit part of it, I'll lose touch. I know my own limits and I've allowed profit in other areas to effect my judgement in the past. but your right legal or not, its not a good idea to share with even your closest people. its really hard wanting to share such an awsome thing, and a cool sense of accomplishment
This is a good example of a bud that I consider to be grown out. it started as a nice little rock, then grew out and became less dense.this is 6 weeks into flower
It looks slightly heat stressed. What are the temps in your room?

You see how the edges of the leaves kind of curl upwards? That is minor heat stress. That look could possibly be too little water as well. But its usually heat or a combo of both.

I got one person to talk to about my grows outside of the net. She likes seeing them grow. But probably likes smoking them 10 times more rofl.
humidity is between 45 and 60. running a 4 gallon dehumidifiar? I mist them once a week with age old grow seaweed and fish. It is possible for heat stress, I make the mistake of thinking if their not out right burning their not to close. Slight heat stress is gradual I may have answered my own
I had the same thing. I'm sure I waited to long to harvest. The buds when they are dried are not compact but loose, same as yours when on the plant
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