Woodsman's Northern Light #5 Grow

Welcome all of you from the 420magazine.com family and any guests who happen to be in the neighborhood! This is the start of what I know (with confidence) will be a great and fruitful (and yet, very low budget) Northern Lights #5 grow!

For those of you that know me from my Mazar Afghan Grow Photo Journal, or perhaps it should have been titled something like, 'general shoot the breeze, b*ll - sh*t and pretty much miscellaneous discussion thread', the wait is over!

This grow will be a place that both you and I will learn and also a place to just hang out and have a good time and discuss related stuff in between my updates. Just grab your 'favorite stuff' sit back and 'fire it up' (I'll be doing most of the work). Feel free to 'pipe in' when ever you feel like it

Enough talk here's the set up:
Most of you know about NL, but for those that don't here is a very generic explanation from my seed source:
"Northern Lights is one of the world's most famous marijuana strains. Very popular for indoor growing and produces large crystalline buds. Has a high flower to leaf ratio. Northern Lights seeds won Indica cups in 88, 89 and 90 and is one of the most acclaimed strains of all time. Highly recommended for indoor growing. Northern Lights seeds can be grown outdoor too."

Homemade tent made from PVC and black plastic lawn bags.

Small 3 speed fan from Wally's MJ Supply Store, Using passive air intake and exhaust. (low budget remember)

Lights and ballasts courtesy of Lowe's MJ Supply Store and eBay:

For Veg: 100w MH and 8 x 26w Daylight CFL's. 19/5 @ for about a month.
Flower: 100w HPS and 8 x 26w soft white CFL's 12/12 until at least 50/50 amber trichs

Ferts: Fish Emulsion for veg and Fox Farm Tiger Bloom for flowering along with molasses.

I use only distilled water (Wally's)
Non-feminized seeds

Fox Farm Ocean Forest and Happy Frog soils. Peat Moss and Vermiculite are at hand (only if I don't have enough of the FF and HF)

Trying for at least three females out of five seeds. The seeds were germinated in wet paper towels and one week ago I started planting them in 16oz Styrofoam cups. Three came up with no problem, but the fourth came up with only one Cotyledon (first leaves after opening). You will see it in a photo on my next post. Lastly, my fifth seed did not want to open, so I relented and started another seed (now I only have 4 left for my summer outside grow). Today I put the 5th seed into it's cup and that is the only one that has not broken ground yet.
The exact start date is questionable since some of the babies were born one day and some the next, etc. etc. So lets say to avg them out and to be within a day or two here or there.... last Sunday was day 1 (the 24th of Jan. 2010). I never really counted the veg days as it doesn't really matter (unless your doing a Journal I guess).
Photos coming right up as soon as they are uploaded.
Alright, here they are!








As you can see from the pics, it's a pretty simple low budget set up. Notice that the four emergent plants are varying in size. They seemed to 'hatch' about a day apart. The #4 plant with the one cotyledon is showing growth. This really just became evident yesterday. The center cup contains my fifth seed (actually the sixth) and I just planted it today. Should be up in a day or two I hope.

If I get three females, I'll be a happy grower! Any more and I'll just squeeze them in somehow.

My last grow was just one plant, a Mazar Afghan that gave me about 1.3 ozs. I did not have the CFL's for that grow only the 100w MH/HPS (late in the flowering stage I added two 26w soft whites).

So what do you all think?
Woodsman I'm here and ready for your grow! I am just getting a new CFL soil grow underway and I am expanding a little just like you! This should be fun!!! The girls are looking good so you made it past the seed germination hurdle and your on your way!
Good Luck Brother and may you harvest some fine buds!

reps to you brother for the new grow!
Woodsman I'm here and ready for your grow! I am just getting a new CFL soil grow underway and I am expanding a little just like you! This should be fun!!! The girls are looking good so you made it past the seed germination hurdle and your on your way!
Good Luck Brother and may you harvest some fine buds!

reps to you brother for the new grow!

Thanks for stoppin in Joe and thanks for the big Reps! I'll step over to your grow and check it out.
Woodsman said:
Hey buddy! Thanks for stoppin over. You know that you are partly responsible for getting me off my a** and doing it!

Glad I could help:ganjamon: Quick question. How deep did you plant those after your tap root showed?
I am subscribed! :popcorn: :roorrip:

I need to get myself some NL seeds someday, so will be watching these babies grow up. When I can afford seeds...3rd or 4th on list of things to afford when I can, I am gonna do blueberry first (hopefully with some interesting freebies from attitude or somewhere).

:peace: +reps
I'm going to love watching those NL mature.
Hey ChicagoJoe. Welcome to the grow and please keep us informed how your friend is taking care of your stuff.

Glad I could help:ganjamon: Quick question. How deep did you plant those after your tap root showed?
I sowed them no more than 1/4" deep. No idea about #4 with the one cotyledon. Hoping someone else has had this happen and had of course great results from it! The first four seeds were planted after the tap root was about 1/4" long, the last one (#5) was planted while just a tip had popped out of the seed while in the wet paper towel. I'm keeping that one moist on top.

off to a good start...Im along for the ride

Nice to see ya here C5Rftw. I know with all you folks around growing will be much more entertaining!

YAY a northern lights grow! And a low budget grow too. I will be keeping track or your grow. Thank you!!

Welcome to the grow NobleWeed. This is my first time with NL and I sure can't wait will I've tasted the fruits! I don't know if you can get much more cheaper than this grow. I owe it all to my wife!

I am subscribed! :popcorn: :roorrip:

I need to get myself some NL seeds someday, so will be watching these babies grow up. When I can afford seeds...3rd or 4th on list of things to afford when I can, I am gonna do blueberry first (hopefully with some interesting freebies from attitude or somewhere).

:peace: +reps

MountainHigh, greetings to you and what a fine name you have! I love mountains (woodsman!) and I love 'high' ones in particular like the 'High' Sierra's where I spent many beautiful days and nights and of course as we all do, gettin high!

I understand, like most of us can about the priorities of life. Patience my friend and anythings possible.

Yes sir, I'm sure I will enjoy this grow as Much as the last Friend! :cheer:
Greenest Regards and All the best! :popcorn:

Thank you for the kind words and I am happy to see you here!

By the way to all of you with grows going on, whew!.. It can get pretty busy keeping up with everyone else's. I've learned so much through all your grows, from just the semantics how to make a journal to the basic and higher intricacies (spelling?) of the grow. I will continue to follow along with your grows (like you all do to each other) while doing my own.

Here my first update!

I watered. That was easy!
Just kidding.

I have a paper towel over the #5 cup (newly sown seed). It's just a tiny piece that covers the soil over where the seed is. This is to slow down any drying on the immediate under layer of soil. Is this OK? Any other suggestions (saran-wrap maybe) The combination of the fan and the temps (low to mid 80's at soil level) tends to dry the surface very quickly and I don't want the seedling to dry out. The others were sown with a longer tap root.
I am subscribed! :popcorn: :roorrip:

I need to get myself some NL seeds someday, so will be watching these babies grow up. When I can afford seeds...3rd or 4th on list of things to afford when I can, I am gonna do blueberry first (hopefully with some interesting freebies from attitude or somewhere).

:peace: +reps

Just noticed! Thanks for the + reps!
hey woodsman good to see you back at it! and with my dream strain no less! off to a good start! dont forget to stop by my journal and spread the love occasionally! :peace:

HK my man, if it's your dream strain that's saying something. Can't wait to partake since I've never tried it. I've been over your way, but to bashful I guess. Just went over to say hi! Thanks for coming over.
Just checked in on the plants and found that the #1 plant is drooping. Wonder if it is just because I watered yesterday? Opinions please. Also got some good close ups of the little one. Strange malformation! What do you all think about it? Will it recover? The second leaves seem normal. Still waiting on the #5 plant to come up. Also a pic of the original #5 seed that never popped. I manually popped it and you can see the white inside. It's still in the wet paper towel and is now just an experiment. If it works, I'll just fit it in with the rest of them.






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