Hermi question

papa B

New Member
I am 5 weeks into flowering, and I found the dreaded hermi they are all over. This is my first grow and this was my pride and joy. I have others flowering in the room and I am not wanting seeds right now. My question, is this bud worth saving, or do I just throw it out, there are some good looking buds with crystals on them and the leaves. Noobie needs some suggestions. So bummed, but all a learning thing.

Indica-bag seed
closet soil grow
600w hps cooled
gh organic nutes
Kill all hermies on site! Now if you're dead set on trying to save some of the bud, you need to inspect them daily for new male flower and remove them immediately, otherwise you are going to have nice little seed crop on your hands. You will get a few seeds out of it most likely, they will have the hermie trait, so those get tossed.

When in doubt, kill the hermies, let the other plants fill in the space they leave. Your yield should be that much lower if you get the other to fill in and pick up the slack.

Also, when asking for assistance it helps if you can give more details on the grow. How to Ask for Grow Support

My first to this stage and it hermis

thanks steve, I will work on the details. I dont have another area to let this one grow. So it will be the end for number 1. (its is the first plant I have got to this stage, so I think I will cut, dry, cure, and smoke) I need the practice on that stage also.
I found 8 flowers and removed them, some were really small, none were like the one on the top cola, I took that one apart and it appears to contain alot of pollen. I put the girl/boy back in the closet with the others, I will check it out tomorrow. I have a sister the same size in the room with it and a very large sativa the just flowered. How do I tell if a plant gets fertilized??
I found 8 flowers and removed them, some were really small, none were like the one on the top cola, I took that one apart and it appears to contain alot of pollen. I put the girl/boy back in the closet with the others, I will check it out tomorrow. I have a sister the same size in the room with it and a very large sativa the just flowered. How do I tell if a plant gets fertilized??
The hairs on the calyx will whither away and the calyx will start to swell like she's pregnant. You may only have a few that are pollinated or a bunch, time will tell.
Will these male flowers keep showing up. Or iis this all it will make?
Some plants will put out male flowers when they are ripe, and are not true hermies. It is usually an indication the plant is ready, or will be soon, to harvest. I'm not sure yours fits in that category though. Your flowers don't look close to finishing yet. Keep an eye on them for any additional staminate flowers and pick them off if they appear. I am sure more will pop up.
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