Hellzbound first Scrog Grow


New Member
Ok im need of all advice if i can get, any help will be greatly appreciated it,Got Bunch different strains heres the list Lemon Kush ,master Kush x Og,Blue dream,Herojuana,sour bubble,Sour diesel X bubble,1000 HID Plus T5 grow lights all environmental devices,Advance Nutrients, c/o2---Heres my Room Not sure on height on Screen i put it about 20 inches from bottom of plants,is this to high? seems ok but iv never done it so im cluelesshttps://www.420magazine.com/gallery/data/829/medium
Ok...let me welcome you first.lol
Now...you've got a lot on your plate. It's best to not grow so many different strains in the same room. They all will require different feeding strengths and could even have different ventilation needs. I know your growing scrog. Great idea for 2 to 4 plants but your running 6 different types. Going to be tough. I took a look at the trellis you were asking about on ebay...not even close to what you need. you need something that will hold a plant back, not bend and sway which can allow the plant to take over. I like chicken wire with holes 'NO' bigger than 1 to 2 inches square period. All you want to come up through the holes are flowering sites and buds once flowering occurs. With scrog you fix the screen so that you have enough room to access under the screen for maintenance, watering and trimming. You train your plants in veg till about 40% of the screen is filled than start to flower. the stretch and continued growth will fill in the rest of the screen. Here let me show you a picture of a scrog at about mid flower.
As for pictures...read the tutorial in my signature on how to post pics. if you still have questions hit me up and I will walk you through it.

Thanks for info Racefan i will get reading, i wanted 1 strain but no one had 36 of one kind,yeah after reading few post i built this screen,hope its correct take a look,might be to high i will take better photos..It is chicken wire 1 inch about 18-20 inchs from bottom tray to top canopy.

Your screen is twice as high as it needs to be. It will take you a year to fill 40% of that puppy in.lol
Lmao ,Ok Got Ya I will Lower it, Take photo post tommor,Another thing i was curious about was the water level ,The bottom of the Cups are sitting in about 1/2 in water is this to high or should i lower it?
Well From getting so many different strains from many different places,Last Night i noticed Something, i Call It,Why Me,Mites gota love them jk,So last Night spent hour washing Plants Down With Dawn Soap,It Worked Great about ten years ago haha its been that long since iv seen them, oh do i hate them,but i never had them take over a crop yet so i should be fine,Always good to look and i am glad i did,Wish i would treated the clones before adding them to room,Live and Learn...One Good thing No Damage was done to any leaves ,So i caught it early....:peace:
Just little update,Plants are Growing,Some are just touching top on screen,Mite Problem Solved,Gave Them wash last night with Mite Rid,I also noticed a silence when entering my room,seemed quite,i check tubes on aeroflo that spray water and sure enough clogged holes,Not all them just enough to created big problems if it went unnoticed,All roots White filling tubs and looking good,I do see a minor issues thou, it has to do with clones growing at different rates cause of so many different strains,so filling the canopy going be real tricky i think ,but should be good if i keep up on it,Peace Guys..
Is this grow still alive?
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Thanks and hope all is well in your world!

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine!

If you find any finished journals just let me know and I will move them to the completed forum.
Man I love reading every ones journal so many great ideas the room is great babies look good and u made me want to read more about scroging
Iv been in flower For Two weeks now,still a long way to go,Iv done some LST training, but some strains really took off and kinda stretched,anyway the Mite Problem Been Solved ,I used Mite RiD,Got Love this Stuff,Prevention is the cure but in this case ,Thank god For Mite Rid..Better then anything i ever used... ..:thankyou: Racefan for the heads up on that....I did My best to Keep the canopy Even,No luck,everything growing at different rates,Should be Fine Right...
Nice update man! Scrog looks wild but it will turn out in your favor in the end! Keep us updated man those are gonna be some hellacious herbs when done. +reps
:goodjob:Great set-up hellzbound! :rasta:I am a fan of the AF's myself, after making numerous diy styles......you cant beat those GH spray lines........ I replace them every 3-4 grows; imo, they beat out any spay/mist rig set-up hands down, unless of course your talking TAG, with all $$high-pressure fittings, etc.... The GH's are built pretty flimsy really, but they're off and running right out of the box.
How deep are you running your solution in the channels? I've heard many different ways people do it--I am sure they all work too..... I prefer to run it about 1/2" at the shallow end, right on through the end and flush with it about 2" deep or just below the baskets...

Something you may already be considering is vegging......I clone in a diy aero-cloner, to a diy aero-veg unit in the net pots. The as soon as roots are out of the hydroton into 12/12 they go.......rarely over 6" tall and finish about 30"(AK, WW). Going into flower any later......well, because of space limitations on these systems, it becomes a jungle of a mess real quick as I am sure your seeing......you almost need a real short indica, but then there are too many leafs, haha......

I 've always used Canna Nutes since I've been in hydro.......then once I started running these AF's I took a step that I thought would be backwards..... I tried the ol' GH Flora Series nutes......then the KoolBloom(liquid). Well, I must not get something because useing these nutes(modified LucasFormula) I've yet to not double the final weight......and so cheap!
So are you cloning anything right now?
That is real cool that your running Co2, something I 've yet to try.

Well, :nicethread:, and I am sorry if I am hijacking....it just cool to see another AF user and hear how it goes! Dont hesitate to ask if you have any questions or want any ideas----after all, this is my first post, haha:grinjoint:

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