So this is my 3rd grow ever, first under LED's. I was lucky enough to obtain a true East coast sour diesel clone, for a hefty price anyways. Im flowering under 2x 100 watt 3w-1 chip LED ballasts and vegging under CFL's. My first ECSD clone is about 65 days into flower and is in a 7 gallon tub i drilled a bunch of holes in in Fox farms ocean forest soil being fed fox farms grow big, tiger bloom, and big bloom. She probably has about 2 weeks until harvest left or maybe 2 1/2.
My ECSD mother's/ clones:
And my first clone ECSD in soil Day 65 into flower
Started flushing on 8/16
It seriously smells like i spilled diesel fuel in my box cause of this thing!
My ECSD mother's/ clones:
And my first clone ECSD in soil Day 65 into flower
Started flushing on 8/16
It seriously smells like i spilled diesel fuel in my box cause of this thing!