Cryodude, 1st Indoor Grow LED/Soil 2011 Bubba Kush/Skunk Cross Clones and Many More!


New Member
Howdy all, i have an outdoor journal going ( First grow in 1/4 century), but I am finally starting my indoor grow. I will have a ton more photos showing everything in more detail after this coming weekend. I decided to journal this grow after I'd already left and traveled back home. So i only have a few shots of the plants and several clones that i made from my first attempt on cloning from my outdoor garden from a couple of weeks ago. Some will be mothers and others will get vegged slowly and replace the bubba kush/skunks that are in veg now and hopefully flowered around the 20th of August.

So here is what we have going.

Plants are 3 bubba kush/skunk cross clones from my collective. The cuttings were taken on 6-14 and i got them on 7-30 and they were transplanted that evening and are now under the lights at 18/6. I presoaked the soil with 1 qt of my tea mix with 10 mils of No Shock to a gallon of water and drained off the excess. They will be fed RO water and once a week with 1 tsps of molasses added to the water. I will probably hit em with a lighttea couple of times before flower

I need to get a little wet/dry shop vac i think!!!

Soil grow in 3 gal pots.

Organic Roots 707 60-65%
Organic Roots worm castings, 15%
Perlite, 20-25%

After following Docbuds threads, i've decided to try his osmocote plus CRF nutes. I sure hope i get 1/2 the results he does. I used 2 TBSP's per gallon of soil so each pot has 6 tbsps of crt in them.

The lights are 3 Spectra 290w LEDs. and the little growing area is a closet that is 39" deep by 74" wide with and 8' ceiling. The lights are hung down from a cross beam that is about 7' off the floor.

Back to the plants, this is going to be an indica dominant grow. I have to remember to pull these plants out and get them in some normal lighting to take pics so you can see more than pink/purple light.

I will hopefully be supplementing the CRF food with a tea of worm castings, molasses, sugar and a small amount of N2 bat guano.

I set up an RO unit and have two water tanks, 1 for the tea, 25 gal (set up to hold about 16 gals of tea and a 35 gal unit that will just be clean RO water so i can mix the two. This tea is also getting used on my outdoor garden as well.

Again, apologies for the lack of picts to start but i will have shots of everything over the weekend with a nice update when i get back Sunday the 7th.

The closet is in a 12' x 14' bedroom that i installed a floor mount AC unit to help control temps and stir the air up. The room has house AC already but that closet gets warm and with the addition of the floor unit, i can maintain about 80-81 in the day and its around 70 at night. RH is 35-42% day and night. Think that is a little dry? I have a couple of small fans blowing across the tops of the LEDs for now and 1 larger fan on the floor in the corner of the closet that blows behind the containers. The room AC unit is blowing its air towards the closet door.

Here are a few picts of the bubba/kush-skunks and also my little cuttings i cloned, of which i know 9 are rooted, 1 seems to be dying and the other 4 cuttings i just took on 7-29 last week. They seem ok so far.

Here are a couple of not so great picts of the bubba skunk plants.



Here are my little cuttings/clones that i took over the past two weeks.





I need to update my outdoor journal now. Will post over the weekend with many picts of the lights, plants, watering system, even my T5 for clones rooting. etc.

Please feel free to comment, bash, extend a helping hand.

Oh, on my tea that i am brewing, here is the recipe i am using for vegging and how I am agitating it.

15/16 gals water
4 cups worm castings
1/2 cup N2 bat guano
1 cup molasses
1 1/2 cups sugar

this all sits in a 25 gal rubbermaid tub with a lid. I have 2 airstones bubbling in it 24/7 and also a 130gph submersible pump that sits in it and runs 24/7 as well. I let it go for 48 hours before using and then add back and refill with the RO water.

Does that seems ok?? and also, since i have 3 outdoor plants that are getting ready to flower, i was thinking of making the same tea but using high P guano to replace the N2 guano. feed back always appreciated.

i use two more of same air stones and pump to circulate the RO water in the 35 gal rubbermaid tub as well. Picts of all that coming over the weekend.
Re: Cryodude, 1st Indoor Grow LED/Soil 2011 Bubba Kush/Skunk Cross Clones and Many Mo

very cool journal, im very interested to see how this one turns out. besst of luck and im in....:popcorn:
Re: Cryodude, 1st Indoor Grow LED/Soil 2011 Bubba Kush/Skunk Cross Clones and Many Mo

Thanks pilot90 and welcome to the thread. I hope to have very detailed info and lots of picts on the whole set up at the end of the weekend. It will be interesting to see how these lights work, since i only used them for a couple weeks two 1/2 months back to veg some seedlings, (the outdoor plants i took the clones from in the other picts) so i know veg will be good, but i have no idea on the flowering part. We'll see in a month or so if those bubba kushes take off in veg for the next 14 days.
Re: Cryodude, 1st Indoor Grow LED/Soil 2011 Bubba Kush/Skunk Cross Clones and Many Mo

Hey cryodude this sounds great! Gonna check it out . Is that LA confidential? I just picked up some confidential cheese to get planting soon! So im gonna see how that turns out ! Good luck my brotha!
Re: Cryodude, 1st Indoor Grow LED/Soil 2011 Bubba Kush/Skunk Cross Clones and Many Mo

Oohh cryo tell about the leds my man? Youve got 3? Ive got a similar space in my grow! Its a walkincloset! How much they run you? Do you love them?
Re: Cryodude, 1st Indoor Grow LED/Soil 2011 Bubba Kush/Skunk Cross Clones and Many Mo

Welcome CannaVince. They are from a non sponsor now, and these are their newer lights, 290w LED's 2011 models. I bought them months ago but didn't get the opportunity to set them up except for a quick fix on some seedlings for a couple of weeks back when summer just didn't want to start and it was cool/cloudy and rainy through the first week of June. So i stuck about 12 plants, (3 week old seedlings) under 2 of the lights and they loved it immensely.

They are spendy, and I've seen a couple of grows where they did really well, excellent buds and yields so i splurged 2k for the 3 lights with shipping. I know they veg super well, but i haven't flowered with them yet. I will know in 30-35 days how well they are going to work. They will definitely fill up this 3' x 6' space with plenty of light. Penetration will only be 36" to 42" i was told and i plan to run these bubba kush skunk crosses for a full two weeks in veg then switch em to flower.

Check back in a few days and i will have shots of those 3 plants after they've been in the light for week and we will see how they have faired.

When i update with picts over the weekend I will have shots of the lights along with hangers and everything else.
Re: Cryodude, 1st Indoor Grow LED/Soil 2011 Bubba Kush/Skunk Cross Clones and Many Mo

ok here is my weekly update, update #1 for this new journal.

I have some shots of the LED's and other pieces of this very simple first grow. but first the little plants that are the point of being here.

Bubba Kush Skunk clones, all 3 of the little critters. I need to set up a neutral light so i can take picts in the grow space so you can actually see what is going on with them.

Here is #1.


Here is #2.


and last, #3.


Here are a few shots of my equipment for making my tea and water storage along with the RO unit and the air pump. The 2 130 gph submersible pumps in the tea, you might see the hoses where they spill out on the top.





Here are the girls in their little room.



Shots of the lights and fans, my little temp unit and the floor AC unit. ( it keeps the room typically 78-82 in the day and its around 72-74 at night.) RH runs anywhere from 34-35 to 44-45. Depends on when i water and keeping some moisture in the drain pans and an extra drain pan on the floor in the back of the room.

It's very simplistic, but i am only there tuesday afternoon and night and wednesday morning and then friday afternoon and night and saturday morning. So i have to try and make things work being gone 48-60 hours at a time.

That is why i am so hoping that Docbud's basic soil formula and OC + ferts will do the trick because they will only get watered two times a week. I'd like to run a little more moisture through them, but i don't want to promote root rot because they don't dry out well enough between the waterings.

I may try to set up some type of a watering system in the future, will just have to see how this goes for now.
Re: Cryodude, 1st Indoor Grow LED/Soil 2011 Bubba Kush/Skunk Cross Clones and Many Mo

Ah, i forgot the picts of the lights and such. Here they are. I wrapped the walls up about 4' with panda paper and will probably put up another couple of feet of it. I don't anticipate any plants getting up there but the lights are already sitting at the top so hopefully the reflectiveness will help a bit. I'd stuck some hydroton on the tops of the pots to help with evaporation of moisture, but i think that i will remove it for now and maybe add it back when the plants are bigger and water evaporation becomes more of an issue as they drink more.



Re: Cryodude, 1st Indoor Grow LED/Soil 2011 Bubba Kush/Skunk Cross Clones and Many Mo

one more picture.

Re: Cryodude, 1st Indoor Grow LED/Soil 2011 Bubba Kush/Skunk Cross Clones and Many Mo

had some type of technical issue. pict didn't load. Let's try it again.
Re: Cryodude, 1st Indoor Grow LED/Soil 2011 Bubba Kush/Skunk Cross Clones and Many Mo

well wtf, don't know if its the file name or some other wierd thing. will reload that one and try one more time.
Re: Cryodude, 1st Indoor Grow LED/Soil 2011 Bubba Kush/Skunk Cross Clones and Many Mo

Ok, gonna try to post this one more time, just because i am stubborn once in a while!!

yeah, woot...

Well, i'll be back to post next weekend i think..
Re: Cryodude, 1st Indoor Grow LED/Soil 2011 Bubba Kush/Skunk Cross Clones and Many Mo

subd i got 2 290s very interested in what they can do
Re: Cryodude, 1st Indoor Grow LED/Soil 2011 Bubba Kush/Skunk Cross Clones and Many Mo

Thanks and welcome Fartman, I am very interested to see how they work out as well. I have noticed that the light, for 90 degree lens seems very intense so i have moved them to 22 inches above the plant canopy. I won't see them for 3 days so will be interesting to see what transpires in that time. Might have to get my helper to measure the distance on them tomorrow afternoon, and adjust them up a bit again. I will be back with an update and picts probably Sunday night or monday. They are looking ok after a couple of days though. I adjusted things a bit and have the lights about 4 inches farther apart than they were.
Re: Cryodude, 1st Indoor Grow LED/Soil 2011 Bubba Kush/Skunk Cross Clones and Many Mo

Well, i seem to have a problem that just popped up last night with a bunch of new growth on my 3 babies. All have the same thing, and its on all the new growth except the branches that would be the apical bud stems. It's wierd. Here it is and if someone has a thought, i'd appreciate some input. Shouldn't be a nute deficiency, I've had plants going in this same mix for about 6 weeks with none of this. But they are different strains outside.




i am calling it vericose veins for now. I had shot the soil mix i was transplanting them to with a presoak of no shock, cal mag and some molasses before transplanting, so i am thinking its not that. But, i am wrong about a lot of stuff.
Re: Cryodude, 1st Indoor Grow LED/Soil 2011 Bubba Kush/Skunk Cross Clones and Many Mo

i did flush the crap out of them with about 3 gallons each of tap water. They are 3 gallon pots and haven't had any ferts added except 1 little shot of some very weak tea on Saturday and came back to this Tuesday. The main fert is the OC plus and i wouldn't think that would be an issue after 10 days and temps in the room are running 78-82 in the day and around 68-72 at night.
Re: Cryodude, 1st Indoor Grow LED/Soil 2011 Bubba Kush/Skunk Cross Clones and Many Mo

it's very weird as they are growing out very nicely, I am thinking about 9-10 days more of veg and then flip em over. i want to fill that 3x6x6 space as much as i can!!
Re: Cryodude, 1st Indoor Grow LED/Soil 2011 Bubba Kush/Skunk Cross Clones and Many Mo

Here are a few more shots of the clones from 6-14-2011, transplanted on 7-30, and under lights for 10 days as of Tuesday, August 9th. I am sure puzzled by this odd yellowing along the veins of the leaves on the new growth. It is very wierd. Hopefully someone has some thoughts. As i mentioned above, I flushed them out really good and put them back in their closet. With the LST and bending I've been doing for the past week, they are all now 12-13' tall and vary from 15" up to 22" across and filling in very well. I hope to get them another 4 inches tall and a little wider and flip them by 8-20 or possibly sooner. I'd really like to address this vericose veins thing first though.

Anyhow some full plant shots, not the finest but with a little artificial light and the flash on my phone they came out ok.

Here is BKS #1 on the left side of the closet.

A couple of shots of BKS #2 in the middle, it is bushier than the other two sisters.


and last BKS #3 on the right side.

They are all doing well, i am just puzzled by the color of this new growth. I put an SOS out to Docbud, because i sort of did his soil, not the super, but similar mix with same ferts so i can only hit them with a little tea and possibly a bloom enhancer.
Re: Cryodude, 1st Indoor Grow LED/Soil 2011 Bubba Kush/Skunk Cross Clones and Many Mo

I get the same problem's a problem with the OC+.
Get some Liquinox, ironite, or other zinc/iron supplement.
Also get some Epsom salt....for the sulfur.

Foliar feed according to directions, and do a soil drench according to directions....make sure your product has iron and zinc.

The Epsom salts should be used for 3 waterings at the rate of 3 tblsp per gallon. Stop after 3 waterings. That'll clear 'em up.

You might consider adding another tbsp of OC+ as well.

These problems are not uncommon in container gardens...not to worry, you're gonna fix it.
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