How can I get THC out my system fast?


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good looking out
Smoke the joint, wait 3 weeks, that should do it. If you're clean now and you don't smoke again between now and then, 3 weeks should be more than plenty of time for it to get out of your system. If you're really worried about it, just drink some water before you go in and dilute it a little bit, but I've definatly gotten high and passed a test a week later.
The day of the test drink about a gallon of water about an hour before you got to pee for test. When you go to pee into the cup DON'T capture the first of the flow......let it ride for 5-10 seconds and then fill 'er up.......:smokin3:
Large amounts of green tea, raw cranberry juice (no sugar), high amounts of caffeine, like in Monster Energy drinks that cause you to urinate and sweat a lot. Agents that do this are called diuretics. Salt, and anything sodium based is the opposite of a diuretic. Cut all salt out of your diet and just fast on caffeine and cranberry juice for three days. It should get the lot of it out... There's another way though, which I personally don't advocate --liquid niacin. At headshops and online, they sell a liquid niacin drink that's about 1000 times your normal daily requirement of niacin. It is strong diuretic and will cleanse the system but it is VERY, VERY hard on the body. It is not good for you at all and it has not been tested by the FDA. Do it if you must to keep out of a cell, but it should never be a regular practice. Look to herbs and other substances like caffeine for a similar effect that's a lot less harmful to your liver and kidneys.
well its contreversial to everyone how to pass a dam UA, heres some things i heard:

1. drink vinegar (couple shots every day) gross as fuak but if thats what it takes, thats what it takes.

2. wizinator!! helped 3 of ma homies, u can buy them at certain head shops. (they look like dicks but inside it has nutrients that relates to urine, basically fake dick with fake piss inside it) I've got a funny story about it though, one of my friends ordered one but recieved a black penis, he was fuaked,
3. work out as much as u can

4. drink a TON of water, and thus piss ur brains out

hope this helps
Get a complete blood and tissue transplant done
t0k3r420 said:
lmfao well if the cops are infact desperate then they can test ur hair so..there is no way to change that except shave ur hair
I think I read somewhere that they can do the same with a fingernail sample if you dont have any hair. Im not sure if this is correct, I need verification.
Read this. I think it will help. Most detailed explanation of drug testing I've ever seen.

Drug Test - Homework
Ok, the best way to pass a drug test ( I have done it numerous times and I am sure it works) take a visine bottle (I always carry one around with me for school random drug tests it's gay I know but my shcool is lame. You can piss in the cup and then drop maybe about 10-15 drops in just to be safe or more if you smoked the day before or the day of. If this doesn't work then well I'm sorry but it has always worked for me. For hair testing there is always detox which is what I'm about to get from my sis. And if thier desperate cops or whoever they will take any pubic hair (beard, dick/vagina, armpits etc) . But they NEED 1/2 an inch or more to even have the drug test so that would take a lot of nose hairs and I don't even know if those are good enough. They won't shave your eyebrows though cause that can be considered abuse for making them look stupid. I don't know, don't ask me. anways, there you go. All I know about drug tests cause it's happened to me a lot. visine, 10-15 drops usually and for hair just shampoo or shave everything but that is suspicious and they will just postpone the date of drug testing.
my guide to passing a UA in a week and a half:
the first step is obviously to quit getting blazed.
on day one of not smoking you want to get about 5-6 jugs of pure cranberry juice and a bottle of 500 mg niacin. take 1000 mg of niacin every day until about 3 days before your ua so it doesnt show up as too much niacin in your system. for the first 5-6 days drink one jug of cranberry juice every day. when you run out of cranberry juice start drinking water ONLY. also for the first week work out excessively and completely stop after that so you dont flush thc out of your fat into your piss before your test. on about day 5 you need to go to your local store and get a bottle of sonne's #7 (about $22 it is a natural detoxificant made of water and volcanic clay) drink 1/4 of the bottle every day for 4 days you need lots of water with this to flush out extra toxins by the time your sonne's #7 is gone you should be a couple of days away from your test, in those days drink lots of water and eat foods with high amounts of fat in them so any excess thc will stay trapped in your fat and not flush out before your test. last but not least do NOT fill up your test cup with the first part or last part of your urine stream those have the most toxins in them mid-stream is the cleanest.
i hope i helped someone somewhere with my strategy i use to getting clean.
well its contreversial to everyone how to pass a dam ua, heres some things i heard:

1. Drink vinegar (couple shots every day) gross as fuak but if thats what it takes, thats what it takes.

2. Wizinator!! Helped 3 of ma homies, u can buy them at certain head shops. (they look like dicks but inside it has nutrients that relates to urine, basically fake dick with fake piss inside it) i've got a funny story about it though, one of my friends ordered one but recieved a black penis, he was fuaked, it came up hot but his po laughed and let off a warning.

3. Work out as much as u can

4. Drink a ton of water, and thus piss ur brains out

hope this helps

I smoke twice a day everyday for the past 6 months.

I found out I had to be drug tested for a job with only 21 days notice. I was really scared, but I passed!

Heres what I did:
I STOPPED SMOKING!!! (most important)
I took 1000 mg of niacin (the kind that gives you a flush) everyday
I went on 30-45 minute long runs as much as I could (about 5 times a week)
I drank about 1 - 2 gallons of water everyday

Also, I bought these cheap THC test strips on amazon. It was like 10 dollars for 10 test strips. I tested myself twice a week and was clean by day 15.

These test strips test up to 50 ng/ml of THC which is what most UA tests test for. They may seem cheap but they work. The day before my test I also went to CVS and bought one of the 25 dollar home test and came up clean.

Anyway. It can be done in less than three weeks. Niacin was key!
The best way to clean your system out is to stop.

Now with that said I know it sucks to quit (especially when your not actually causing anyone harm and there is no reason other than the one your cleaning for )

I live in a state where Marijuana is highly illegal and frowned on heavily. I have been about a 2 gram a night smoker for about 20 years now sometimes more sometimes less, hell sometimes I will smoke a whole 8th depends on how many friends I have over. I was recently laid off on my job and found my self on the market for a new one. Now don’t get me wrong I could easily go work at burger king and never have to take a drug test but I am an engineer and I will most likely have to take one at the point of interview.

What I did to make sure my system is cleaned out without all the crazy ass gimmicks is this:

1) I stopped smoking of course. Then I started drinking a lot of water, not an abnormal amount just a little over the normal recommended daily amount.

2) If you can handle Red bull at least 1 8oz can a day from the time you stopped you should do that as well because the marijuana (THC) stays in the fatty cells of your liver, which could stay in your system for a while and the tuarine in the red bull is just enough to help metabolize that at a slow rate out of the fat cells from said liver. (it has to be red bull and not monster or rockstar or some off brand. Look at the ingredients if it has anything other than vitamin b12, caffeine, sugar, Tuarine, Niacin don’t use it. Gurana and ginseng don’t help and will only make you feel like shit all day so just stick to the 1 8oz red bull a day plus the water).

3) eat like normal.

4) now for the hard part. exercise!!! I am not saying go get fit for gods sake just instead of the car trip to the store to get munchies, walk. If the store is too far, just a walk around the block a day will help. I live in a really safe town so my fat ass does this walk late at night :)

5) the expensive part. This is optional but the safe way to pull this all together and make sure you will in fact pass (or me in that case :loopy: ) Go to your local drug store Like a Walgreens, Rite Aid or even most Wal-Mart’s have a drug store in them. Grab a drug test and buy it (yes I know they are expensive). When the two weeks of the above have been done test your self. You should show up clean but if not then you know to go another week or two, then test again.

So it took me two full weeks of these above steps and I was showing on my drug test like I have been on the straight and narrow. I was in fact able to get another 150 thousand a year job and can now smoke again but I was browsing this site and found this post. I thought id give my story in hopes it helps anyone else like me who had this issue
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