Will I pass my drug test? The method I used. Opinons?


New Member
Hello everyone,

I have to take a pre-employment drug screening this afternoon and haven't smoked in 12 days (or done anything else for that matter). I am not a drug user, I simply drink beer and toke. I'm 30 years old, 6"2, 150 pounds. Prior to the past 12 days of not smoking, I smoked about once or twice a day for a little over two weeks. Before that I had not smoked in about 32 days. So, I was clean for 32 days, smoked for a little over two weeks, and have been clean now again for 12 days.

I got a job offer and was told I had to take a drug screening.. I got it out of my system before in 13 days for a pre-employment test by simply drinking water, cranberry juice, and exercising.

This time I decided to use a different method.. Someone I was talking to told me to use the Certo Sure Jell method.

Last night (day 11) I took a first check at-home drug test and it came up with (technically) negative results. There were two lines, but the thc line was extremely faint and made me feel uneasy.. So, rather than just going in to take the test as-is, I decided to put the certo sure jell that I bought to use. I mixed it with a 32oz. bottle of powerade and drank it in about 20 minutes. I drank two 16.9oz bottles of water before doing this and one after. I have pissed 4 times now and my drug test is in about an hour..

Here is a picture of my take home test results.. Opinions?

How do the results of my take home test look to you? This was before I even used the powerade & certo trick..

I know a faint line is STILL a line, but what do you think?
Do you think I should have even used the powerade+certo trick? Would that have just messed things up, or could it have only made it better? Because that picture was before I even did that..
Certo doesn't help in the short term but it does in the long term for trying to get clean. The 32 ounces should dilute the thc metabolites low enough to pass the 50ng cutoff levels.
impossible to answer, just wait for the results, besides, what difference would it make what anyone could surmise on here in the meantime, what could you do to change things now the sample's been given?
I just wanted to confirm that I did infact pass my drug test and have started working. :)

This is from only 12 days of not smoking, and only drinking water and cranberry juice with mild exercise.

Whether or not the Certo Fruit Pectin trick had anything to do with it, I did not confirm, but it couldn't have hurt..
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