Real grower recharge: Dr.Marijane how to handle it in hydro?


Active Member
Hello everyone,

I am using hydroguard like most of the grower in DWC, i am building my RDWC for my next growth, i dont like water change in DWC way too hard lol with 0.5 lb+ of buds during flowering time.

I want to start use drmarijane along with recharge combo in my new RDWC but i am not sure if it will do good, hydroguard is way costly and very hard to get in canada so i wanted to remplace it by drmarijane for my next growth, at same time i keep hearing how good is recharge overall, i use floranova growth and floranova bloom as main nutriment.

Anyone have any experience with both or either one * drmarijane and recharge* to help me out on the way to go to handle them in my RDWC along with my main nutriment and if i am missing anything else that could combo everything mentionned above feel free to spoil me aswell :)

Thx for your time and help

i dont like water change in DWC way too hard lol with 0.5 lb+ of buds during flowering time.

Those little "squeeze-bulb liquid transfer pump gizmos" are cheap as chips. And if you set your reservoir a bit off the floor, so that your drain/catch pan is lower, siphon effect will continue the operation and you'll only have to squeeze until you've filled the hose and it begins to drain (plus, there are battery-powered ones available). As far as that goes, a simple hose would do the same thing.

But you're asking about the Dr. Marijane product, and I know nothing about it (sorry). I'm interested in reading other people's replies to your thread, though, because I like the DWC/hydroponic thing (and learning).
Thx for the tips but i have 2 week left to go on this run so i gonna be patient til my next run that will have it easier with the RDWC and yes i am kinda hoping for some poeples to jump in and try to help me and help us to figure out a nice way to use recharge in RDWC, i am sure there is quite a few that figured out a good way to use it and also hoping someone tested DR.Marijane to remplace hydroguard, if not i be trying it anyway. Sound like 2 or 3 gram into a 1 litter bottle would do the job and then using 2 ml per gallon or even 3 ml per gallon would be even greater than hydroguard but for a few cents per litter insteand of 150$ for me in canada per litter. I am finishing my 2 weeks left on this run with hydroguard then i will try to figure out while finishing my 10 x 8gallon bucket RDWC system the exact math for DR.Marijane and a way to not clog my pump using recharge. I have to figure out also the pressure of my intake/outake in my growth room, somekind of filtered traps that allow either in or out pressure in my room growth. If my AC is inside the room and go on, the pressure it cause unbalance my room and my mylar want to roll off my wall lol.

I though about mixing recharge and wait 24h and then use a filter before adding few cups of it right through my 6inch net pot for each plants and see how it go on my pump ( using also a filter right before the pump that i can clean easily )

I think both product together can do an awesome job.

Sorry for my typing , i am frenchy trying to speak english :)

Just curious, What kind of yield do you need to make growing pot a more worthwhile effort.. You might be better off depending on a chiller to keep you grow healthy.. A submersible pump for a system that large will add a great deal of heat... then there's the heat from the lights to contend with.. What are you mixing in your water change that you need to filter out before using?
Changing the water out should be addressed in your design by building it to use gravity to drain the system.. Check out my mixed hydro see how i set up my WFs to drain.. Are you in an apartment or a house.?
I am in a house my room is 12 feet by 16 feet. My room temp isnt that bad during summer it can reach 26 degree and water more or less 20-22 C, during winter water stay close to 20C and room temp is 22-24, i got some powerfull fan blowing in and out so humidity and heat doesnt stay long in, during winter i slow down a bit my vent and my fireplace take out the humidity i got an auto feeder humidity during winter in my room coz it stay low. I dont use submersible pump for my Hydro its an inline pump. My bucket are all insulated very nicely.

What i need filtered is the recharge since isnt 100% made for hydro i heard it can clog the pump. I am still trying to figure out the way i gonna use it. Chiller seem to break very often and are costly and use lots of electricity. Dr.Marijane i hope can make it so root rot problem stay away and its cheaps.

I plan to use a submersible pump only to drain out my water since my waste hole is quite far away from my growth room about 15 feet away. I might simply waste it out through my window, still not sure about that part.

My Led doesnt create much heat, i use 2 x 480w real draw led from budget light with UV and far red, i use a bestva ( 250w real draw ) to cover the dead light spot.

You can replace the Hydroguard with Flying Skull's Z7 (Z9 in Canada). Before you jump on the RDWC wagon remember what ever happens to one plant, happens to all of them. Root Rot can run throughout the system, nutrient burn on all instead of one because you were smoking when mixing:blunt:I run eight buckets, I know the pain of water changes every four days when you've got 10-12 oz worth of wet bud on a plant and it's drinking 6qts a day. Not to mention the extra ten 5gal buckets sitting around. But I deal with it because I like to grow several different strains at once, all with different needs.

Okay I'm done with my soapbox, anyone need it? :rofl:
Z9 seem to go along with others beneficial microbe, so by it adding DR Marijane would help out even more ? one cleaning the shit and one adding the good bacterial stuff or i did understand Z9 wrong? is Z9 adding benecifial benny ?

DR marijane is simply the same as hydroguard but using a cheaper source of the same bacteria ( cost totaly nothing compared ) , guess its worth a try along with Z9 and recharge. That will be my primary roots control. Thx btw didnt know Z7 which was impossible for me to get in canada that they made Z9 for us. I really wanted to try it out, heard it really help to avoid lots of bad stuff in hydro.

I am finishing my 4 x DWC bruce banner 3 , having hard time to figure out if they close to be rdy or not lol ( finishing my 8e week atm ) , that strain was kinda a bitch to growth but i did good considering a lots fail that one and it was my first time. Went through 2 nute burn and at least 2-3 time of lack of cal/mag during veg, didnt know i needed close to 2 ml per litter coz i used Osmosed water and the label was saying 1 ml..... they are 5.8 feet hight lol and over 3 feet wide.

I am going for an easier strain purple punch next with 10 of them. I am going to use lots of new stuff like these benny above along with PHperfect balance circulating tools which seem to be nice. I might buy an hailea water chiller i am not sure yet. GH floranova growth and floranova bloom and I am trying to figure out how to use the flexitank to autofeed my new RDWC, not too sure how to. If you have any tips feel free to help me out. I am making lots of test also into my room for my airflow and pressure problem when using my AC. My growth room is completly sealed and i am using filtered air in and out with activated carbon, trying to make it the perfect growth room with try and error.

Ahhhhhhh, gung ho after a little DWC success. :high-five: That's a good thing.

I've done several side by side grows trying different stuff, and have boiled it down to the easiest form of DWC I could come up with. I'll put the link below to my basic method, my tools, and some charts that you'll find extremely helpful along the way. Not to mention how to make your own feminized seeds. Good luck.

Rifleman's Lazy DWC & Fem Seed Production.
Nice, very appreciated. Did you try monstercropping ? tough about taking some clone at 4e week and reveg them while my current is going ? some poeple say its way better than seeds and since they reveg 4 week during the time the current finish you dont loose much time overall.

Very nice i am going to give a try with 2 x 480w led and in the middle of the 10 , a 600w HPS, i am looking to see if both help each others everytime i see the combo mixed the line between the led and hps crossing is very much weightly overall. If you have time to look at my pict and with your experience, can you tell me how close you think they are from harvest, where i bough them they say 56-70 days.....i am at 56. I am very not sure if i should give them another week or not then flush. Your input will be very appreciated.



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I don't have any experience with your strain. However, breeder timelines are usually very optimistic. The best way to check is with a jeweler's loop or use your phone's camera. Zoom in very close, after lights out, and use the flash. You are trying to see the trichomes or oil glands. If they are clear its too soon. Milky colored and they're good, when you start seeing amber colored ones that means it is starting to degrade and will give you more of a couchlock high instead of the speedier high from the milky ones.

Your pistils have all turned which is a sign of being close but I can't see the size of the buds due to all the extra leaves.(I don't envy you having to trim those :laugh: )
Yes i had read somewhere to not take too much off them as you cant glue them back :) i left a little too much i think but at least i cutted everything under 2 feet so its totaly clean at least under lol. I gonna check when they wake up tonight if i can find out the color of the tricome.

Ok i checked with a jeweller magneficier , i see none amber colored, mostly half half i would say milky and clear ( the clear seemed to lets the light go through them and shine, while the milky didnt ) but pretty hard to notice otherwise lol. Should i give them another week and look ?

Bruce banner 3 is sativa hydrid dominant, by it i have read their peak of THC and best time to harvest them is 30% amber while indica should be harvested before it turn amber as it can change the feeling and more often the taste overall. Not sure if i should follow this ?

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