Questions & Answers - LEDs

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Teddy Edwards

Well-Known Member
Why can't I mention or photograph my LEDs? They are not from a sponsor - but me mentioning them isn't going to affect your sponsors' sales is it?

Of course one mention of a non-sponsor LED isn't going to affect our sponsors' sales. However, what it would be is the thin edge of the wedge. We have to moderate the non-sponsored talk particularly when it involves grow lighting. The LED market draws the most spammers from re-sellers and their sponsored growers trying to sidestep advertising to promote their products to put money from our members into the pockets of non-sponsors, and out of our sponsors' pockets who pay to advertise here. The companies even train the growers to advertise in all forums, in exchange for free lights, so in essence they are being paid by those non-sponsors to spam us under the radar as regular members. How in the world are we ever to tell the difference between innocent and guilty, when a majority of the guilty ones claim innocence? It's generally not possible so we are forced to take the reasonable path and treat everyone equally. Again, it's unfortunate that a few bad seeds have to spoil the fun for everyone, however the blame lies with those LED companies which employ such underhand marketing tactics.
So what am I supposed to do to avoid infringing Guidelines?

Simply don't mention the brand name of your lights, post pictures of them or get into deep, technical logistics of them; instead focus on the plants and their life. "450W LEDs" for example is fine - it gives all the information that's needed. Eventually the LED market will mature and the brand of lights will become irrelevant as has happened with HID and HPS grow-lights. Threads or posts which showcase, photograph and/or promote non-sponsor LEDs in any way will be edited or deleted.
re: Questions & Answers - LEDs

My journal title/post has been edited to remove the brand name of my LEDs, but it's been up for ages. What's going on?

Your brand of LEDs was a site sponsor but is no longer. It's therefore unfair to continue giving them headline coverage in perpetual journals at the expense of our existing sponsors. When we edit we are at pains to retain all the relevant information you have included, such as the Wattage, and remove only the brand name. For the record, this is usually only done when we have experienced severe issues with the particular sponsor and do not want to be connected to them in any way. History shows it can only serve to attract more of their sponsored growers down the road, spamming us with non sponsored LED journals.
re: Questions & Answers - LEDs

So why are there so many spamming LED companies?

It's because the LED market is growing so fast - everyone wants a piece of the pie. The technology is developing rapidly and many experienced growers are now using LEDs; also they are usually the first choice for the new grower these days. This fierce competition is also fueled by the complex sales structure of the market - one can buy direct from the manufacturer, from a company that has re-branded manufacturer lights or from a third party retailer. Some businesses seek to exploit this confusion, claiming that their lights are unique when in fact they just have a different casing or logo.
re: Questions & Answers - LEDs

So how do I know that what I'm buying is legitimate?

Unfortunately, although we vet potential sponsors and seek only to work with those with a record for reliable products and good customer service, 420 Magazine makes no warranties or representations of any kind concerning the specifications, performance, safety or any other aspect of LED units advertised on its website.

If we receive complaints concerning a sponsor's actions, we will investigate to the best of our resource capability. If a sponsor is shown to have failed to deliver their product or service other than represented, or if they repeatedly spam threads, use inappropriate language, go beyond the four corners of the sponsorship agreement or in any other way repeatedly infringe guidelines, 420 Magazine reserves the right to restrict posting privileges and/or suspend and/or cancel the sponsorship agreement.

All 420 Magazine sponsors are required to represent and warrant in writing that they will abide by US law; however, members are hereby reminded of their responsibility to perform their own due diligence before making any purchases as 420 Magazine is not responsible for the veracity of a sponsor's claims or legal standing. 420 Magazine is not a party to any transaction between a sponsor and member and will not become a party to a transaction. Members and Sponsors act as their own agents.
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