Please help!


New Member
1. Are you growing from seed or clones?
From bag seeds.
2. How old are your plants?
About 4 to 5 weeks, vegging.
3. How tall are your plants?
From 10 to 12 inches.
4. What size containers are they planted in?
They´re now in 2 gallon containers, but were in a quarter gallon pot till their 3rd week. They didn´t look rootbound when I transplanted.
5. What is your soil mix?
A good quality soil that I bought which has some humus, compost, 40-45% ashes, about 15-30% organic matter, pH = 6,2, C/N relationship of 7.7 (data in the bag)
6. How often do you water and what type of water do you use?
I use tap water and I have been watering following the rule of waiting for the 2 first inches of soil to become dry before doing it, although I may have skipped it once or twice while attempting to solve problems by feeding/flushing , as I explain later.
7. What is the pH of your water?
Between 6.0 and 6.5, measured with pH paper. I will however measure it tomorrow with a calibrated pH meter. The water that comes out right after watering from the holes of the pots has the same pH, maybe closer to 6.5 than to 6.0.
8. What kind of lights do you use and how many watts combined?
I started with 2 40 watts CFLs (one 6500k and the other 2700k) and 1 65 watt CFL (6500k). Since the last three days I´ve added some lamps more, so now I have 6 40 watt CFLS (1 6500k and 5 2700k) and 1 65 watt CFL (6500k). That´s 6*40 + 1*65 = 305 watt of CFLs on top of and surrounding the plants in a space of about 2.5 sq ft. I´m under 24/0.
11. How close are your lights to the plants? About 1 to 4 inches, using the "back of the hand rule" and without feeling too hot.

12. What size is your grow space in square feet?
1,5x1,5 ft
13. What is the temperature and humidity in your grow space?
Between 75 and 90F at most, and about 30-50% humidity.
14. What is the pH of the soil?
Haven´t measured it, but I water with tap water at about 6.5 pH and run off comes out at the same pH.
15. Have you noticed any insect activity in your grow space?
16. How much experience do you have growing?
This is my first indoor grow, so almost none.

OK, so this is my first grow, and these 3 plants have had problems (of the same kind) since their 3rd week of life. It started off as yellowing and drying of the cotyledons, which I found out later that is common, but it progressed with the lower leaves, on an on, yellowing from the tip till the entire leaf died. Being the plants so young and in good soil it was hard for me to think that the problem was a deficiency, so I watched out watering (although they didn´t look like overwatered, but I read that it could cause the yellowing), but the problem kept advancing. I thought then that the problem was a N deficiency, so I tried using an organic algae fertilizer (NPK = 8.4%-1.4%-4.8%) which has also microelements (Mn, B, Cl, Co, Cu, Fe, Zn, Mo) in trace amounts. I waited for 3 days (not much, I know) seeing no results and continuing yellowing/drying. As I have access to a laboratory and inorganic compounds, I decided to try watering with a very diluted chemical mix of KNO3, KH2PO4, MgSO4 (Epsom salts), Ca(OH)2/MgO, (NH4)2CO3, in order to quickly fix a possible N or even Mg deficiency, as some of the lower leaves started to dry on the tips and curl upwards too. The mix had between 50-150 ppm of N, K, P, Ca and Mg, and was adjusted to pH 6.5. It didn´t work either, and in addition 2 of the plants showed what looks like burned tips, and one of them purple tips/spots. Thinking that I did some fert burning, I flushed out the 3 pots with plenty of water and watered with the organic algae fertilizer plus a very little bit of MgSO4. 7 days have passed since and it still doesn´t look very well, I mean I think there´s more yellowing starting, the growth has somewhat stunted (although it might just be my opinion), leaves are bright green (even new growth).. And I have also purple stems, I´ve always had them anyway.. So I don´t know what else to try. I just watered them today and took some pictures. I appreciate any suggestion! Thank you very much.
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