Help with feeding question for flowering


Well-Known Member
Hello, I am using Advanced Nutrients Sensi Coco Bloom A&B, Big Bud, Voodoo Juice, b-52, bud candy, Nirvana and over drive.

Also using their calculator available on their website/app. I have a six shooter and stardawg both autos ready from bloom nuts.

My question is how do I go about feeding as the calculation are for a 6 week flower but these should be done in 4 weeks. It won't let you delete weeks in the bloom fade.

Can you just feed it with everything every time?

Pic is the six shooter


I am starting with 1/4 but one week you use certain nuts and the other weeks you don't. Just gotta figure out maybe put 1/2 week for week 1 and other half of week do week 2. So every week I do 2 weeks on the calculator.

Waiting to hear back for AN
I'm thinking those won't be done in four weeks ;) .
Hey y'all hope everyone is enjoying their Canada Day/ Independence Day.

This week only took pictures of the Six Shooter as my phone died. As far as I know she is moving along nicely. Started week 2 of flower nuts. For 5L (not all for one plant) I use 20ml of both Sensi Bloom A & B then 10ml of Voodoo Juice,Big Bud and Bud Candy.


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Canada Day/ Independence Day.

The queen of England is no longer your official head of state? I thought y'all were still a constitutional monarchy with Elizabeth II being the technical head of your executive council, parliament, justice system, members of your government had to swear an oath of allegiance to her, et cetera.

I guess I need to listen to more Canadian news broadcasts. I used to do so often, but then they ended up fixing whatever problem my satellite receiver had that caused it to keep getting every (former) Bell ExpressVu channel in existence and, while surely it must fill my heart with joy to no longer have to surf past many hundreds of channels that I'm not actually subscribed to, lol, it does make staying current on your news events (and whatever shows Space is broadcasting now ;) ) somewhat more complicated.

I'm impressed that you referred to the holiday as "Canada Day/ Independence Day" instead of calling it "the 30th of June." That's one of my gripes about a lot of your neighbors to the South, lol - half of us seem to think our country's Independence Day holiday is officially called "the 4th of July." Although I did watch a thing on Jay Leno some years ago when he was filmed asking passers-by on a busy sidewalk (in Burbank, California, if I remember correctly) when (our) Independence Day holiday was... and something like five or six out of ten managed to come up with the correct answer. So there's that, at least. Seems like he did have to resort to giving people clues such as "hot dogs" and "fireworks," though.

Our school teachers may be underpaid, but they sure as sh!t must not be working too hard :rolleyes: .
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