Glycerin Cannabis Tincture

Glycerin-based tincture is one of the newest advancements in medical marijuana science. For patients in need of a great Cannanis-based medicine without the invasiveness of smoking, or the effort of eating, this is perfect. Very tasty and very potent!

3. Place in a window or another sunny location and let it sit there for 3 to 5 weeks. Shake it each day to help release the desired cannabinoids.

How does it keep
from spoling? That is all plant material so it can't be safe to use that method...right?

Also, I have been told the heating process is important in releasing the cannabanoids.
Glycerin-based tincture is one of the newest advancements in medical marijuana science. For patients in need of a great Cannanis-based medicine without the invasiveness of smoking, or the effort of eating, this is perfect. Very tasty and very potent!

Estimated Time: 6 hours – 5 weeks
Serves: Too many to count; probably about 100 servings

Materials and Ingredients:

1/2 gallon (64 fl oz) of U.S.P. Food Grade Glycerin (vegetable)
84 grams (3 oz) of trimmings (or 70g/2.5oz if using quality buds)
A coffee herb grinder, a blender, or any other object that can finely grind your ganja
A crock pot or some clear, sealed glass jars, preferably mason jars. (Note:
The crock pot method is recommended)
cheesecloth or a fine mesh strainer

Instructions: (Crock Pot Method)

1. Set the crock pot to low. If possible, keep the crock pot on a ‘Keep Warm’ setting; some crock pots will burn the tincture even at a low setting so take warning! If you are worried, try the Clear Jar method (see below).
2. Grind up your cannabis as finely as possible using the coffee grinder or blender.
3. Place the glycerin and the cannabis in the crock pot.
4. Let sit for 6 – 24 hours.
5. Let cool.
6. Strain with cheesecloth or a fine mesh strainer (a paper coffee filter will not work!). This will be a long process because the glycerin is very slow moving and sticky. It is well worth it though!

Instructions: (Clear Jar Method)

1. Grind up your cannabis as finely as possible using the coffee grinder or blender.
2. Place the glycerin and the cannabis in 1 or more clear, glass jars. A well sealed cap is crucial.
3. Place in a window or another sunny location and let it sit there for 3 to 5 weeks. Shake it each day to help release the desired cannabinoids.
4. Strain with cheesecloth or a fine mesh strainer (a paper coffee filter will not work!). This will be a long process because the glycerin is very slow moving and sticky. It is well worth it though!

Serving Suggestions:

If using the Crock Pot Method, the glycerin may be very hot at first, so BE CAREFUL! Let cool for a good 15 to 20 minutes if possible. Maybe longer.
Glycerin based cannabis tincture stores well, but not as well as alcohol based tincture. Refrigeration is recommended.
A drop or dropper full under the tongue is enough to ease pain. Test a small amount before moving on to larger doses!
Purchasing a medicine dropper bottle is recommended. These can usually be purchased in health food stores.
Hi do i need to add water to the glycerin?
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