First Grow Cab

I ended up ordering a sunterra 200GPH pump to hit my manifold and then my veggies.

once the roots are big enough though I will pull that pump & the manifold and run simply on the tetra 20gal air pump and two 10" airstones I picked up.

At least thats my plan, unless someone can correct me before if F shit up.
Sounds like a plan. Just FYI i think I told you in an earlier post that I have a very large (approx 40 gal.) and I only use 7 gal. of nute water mix. Thats just my veg tank. For bloom I put each plant in its own 5 gl. pail.
Hello there, Nice set up! I remember seeing the box but didn't make the connection it was you with the fan :). Man that shop makes me drool :drool:

As far as I can see you're far from f'n stuff up. :thumb:

If I could make a suggestion... I would wrap that tote in aluminum tape or mylar or something. That is the same tote I was using in the beginning of my grow and they leak light substantially which will lead to problems later like algae and root rot. I ended up wrapping and insulating the tote for light and temp increases.

Hope you don't mind me posting a pic :Namaste:

As long as you keep the water temps in control and the light out it should be just fine.

Oh, one more thing.... I would say to put the Hygrozyme in as soon as the water goes in. It works great when you use it from the beginning, I put it in after I got algae and it caused a mucus-like film to form on everything touching the water.

Sorry for the long post :). Are you going to do a journal? I'd love to follow along!

+reps on the build :goodjob:
If I could make a suggestion... I would wrap that tote in aluminum tape or mylar or something. That is the same tote I was using in the beginning of my grow and they leak light substantially which will lead to problems later like algae and root rot. I ended up wrapping and insulating the tote for light and temp increases.
As long as you keep the water temps in control and the light out it should be just fine.

I whole heartily agree with this. I use that aluminum bubble wrap. Doing the top seems to give the best results, though I do everything except the bottom.

If I could make a suggestion... I would wrap that tote in aluminum tape or mylar or something. That is the same tote I was using in the beginning of my grow and they leak light substantially which will lead to problems later like algae and root rot. I ended up wrapping and insulating the tote for light and temp increases.

I whole heartily agree with this. I use that aluminum bubble wrap. Doing the top seems to give the best results, though I do everything except the bottom.


Ya I definitely agree with you both! If you notice in the picture with my little toys, a plumber gave me a roll of aluminum duct tape. I was planning to wrap the tub with that...

Well I guess if I need to get 5" netpots might as well make an order with sum hygrozyme. Sucks that I cant find any stores that remotely carry hydro stuff..

I intend to start a journal so that when I'm doing things people can jump in and correct me before I mess up too bad. Only prob is that it will all be done with the shady cell phone pics.

Sounds like a plan. Just FYI i think I told you in an earlier post that I have a very large (approx 40 gal.) and I only use 7 gal. of nute water mix. Thats just my veg tank. For bloom I put each plant in its own 5 gl. pail.

At least for this grow Im going to try and get away with 4 plants in a 10 gal tub. They are lowryders and autoflowering so I'm hoping they wont need as much as a regular plant. But when I go to seed my freebies Im only going to do the 2 plants I got free, as Ill probably need all the room I can scrape for LST & Scrogg.

Thanks everyone for all the awesome feedback and comments!!! :thanks:
Kind of cleaned up the box:


Havent added in my upper two fans, wasnt sure if theyd even do much yet. Was planning to hold off until I raise the light up higher.

Also been contemplating adding in a few CFLs for supplemental lighting...

As always, any and all feedback much appreciated!!:):thanks:
hi jwp... popping over from the AN thread. I do alot of reading on this site, and don't post very often. And I haven't made enough posts to allow me to PM.

Well impressed with your efforts thus far, and wish you the best. I have reviewed this thread and see your on the right track. Let me say upfront that I'm not a AN purest. IMO... the success of a grower truly depends on his/her understanding of the grow process. And with that in mind... I believe we all can achieve success using just about any of the Quality nutrients on the market.

I started my first grow about this time last year. Exact same setup as you... DWC with a manifold for seedlings. Same 10gal tote... just about same everything. I purchased and used AN products solely, but can't really tell you why. About week2 I experienced some leaf spotting (yellow spots in middle of leaf) and placed a call to AN's tech line. After learning about my setup/issue, the AN Rep described my likely problem and how to correct. He was right and my problem was resolved within a week or 2. I was impressed... plus the fact that I had a nice harvest on my first try.

Now... I said earlier to start slow and low. About the worst problem I've had was over-fertilizing my seedlings... by using a solution that was too strong and this put my little plants in shock for a week. Another setback was dripping too much water to the individual netpots. For me... the right balance was 1drip every 5 secs. Once I figured that out, my plants were off to the races. With time, you'll learn how/when to increase the nutrient limit(s) and literally push plant growth. Your plants will tell you. ;-)

In the end what worked best for me was a ratio of 1-1-1. BUT... In the Veg beginning (first 2-3 weeks) you can decrease the amount of Bloom, using a ratio like 2-2-0.5. The attached pic is taken directly from the back label of a bottle of AN Micro. From the chart you can see that the suggested ppm values for cutting/seedling start at 600ppm. For me... this was too strong. I had to back down to 100 and as my plants showed growth... then I increased ~200ppm/week until I reached about 900ppm. I replaced my solution every week.
I constantly watched for symptoms of over-feeding. Classic symptoms of over-feeding- leaf tips that droop/curl under, and leaf tips turning yellow. To correct- dilute your solution or replace the entire solution. To dilute simple remove a couple gallons of solution and replace with plain water. Of course you'll be rechecking ppm to make sure you return to a known good ppm level.

Hope this is helpful.
Thanks for the info.

Only thing is for this grow Ive changed to do soil for the first time.

I still have all the "equipment" for Hydro, but kind of pussed out for my first grow, I felt there were to many variables and wanted to get at least one successful grow under my belt before attempting DWC.

But I still plan to apply the nute guide towards my soil grow.

Sprouts are still less than an inch tall so they're still sitting in the rockwool cubes, not 100% sure when to transplant them to my 3 gal pots.

Also hoping that my runt will fight her way through :cheer:
Thanks for the info.

Only thing is for this grow Ive changed to do soil for the first time.

I still have all the "equipment" for Hydro, but kind of pussed out for my first grow, I felt there were to many variables and wanted to get at least one successful grow under my belt before attempting DWC.

But I still plan to apply the nute guide towards my soil grow.

Sprouts are still less than an inch tall so they're still sitting in the rockwool cubes, not 100% sure when to transplant them to my 3 gal pots.

Also hoping that my runt will fight her way through :cheer:

Once you start seeing the roots exposing themselve out the bottom of the rockwool I would suggest you transplant right away just keep a close eye on them or check on them every day to watch for the roots and you will be all set. :goodluck:
Haha, same happened to me. Welcome back none the less!!

Not to good. I was a bad daddy =( I think only one girl is going to make it, and not because of my help, just because she's a trooper!

Have an ongoing journal in my Sig.
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