43rd Annual Smoke In

Truth Seeker

New Member
I am happy and most enthusiastic to announce that the US Marijuana Party will be holding it's first ever political convention at this year's 43rd Annual Smoke-In .

We will be meeting at Lafayette Square park across from the White House between 9a-12p. A roster will be made at this time plus it gives us a little icebreaker time to get to know each other. We will then amass and march to the stage area at the Lincoln Memorial Park near the Vietnam War Memorial. Once the speakers have had their say we will move to somewhere on the field (shady area hopefully) and create the future US Marijuana Party.

The US Marijuana Party was onced financed by Marc Emery. When Marc got busted the party went from 20 state chapters to 4. I have never been given a reason as to why but that's how it is today. There is also a political party in Vermont that goes by United States Marijuana Party in Vermont. They are not a part of the US Marijuana Party.

Purpose of the convention is to look at and decide the future of the party along with possible Presidential & state candidate endorsements. Plus much more. I have yet to finalize an outline of what I think needs to be covered and I am still open to suggestions.

Also I will be considering state chairpersons. I am requiring to be a state chairperson that you be involved on the National level, State level, and Local level in cannabis reform. On the State and Local levels you must participate in State and City Council meetings & hearings, Also State legislative sessions, and be personally active with your representatives. On the National level you must be at least writing or telephoning them weekly. To become a state chair you MUST attend the first USMjParty political convention in DC on the 4th. Also showing up in DC doesn't guarantee a state chapter you must be able to prove 2 years prior activism and not a current member of NORML, MPP, DPA, MAP, or Students for Sensible Drug Policy.. We are a "Grass"roots organization and this is to prevent cross pollination of ideals and agendas. All chairs are my decision and will not be put up for a vote.

This is a ground level opportunity to be part the of rebuilding the US Marijuana Party. JOIN US FOR THIS HISTORIC EVENT!

Come on to the 43rd Annual Smoke-In & US Marijuana Party Political Convention. YOU KNOW YOU WANNA!.

When: July 4th 9AM - 12PM
Where: Lafayette Square Park across the street from the White House

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