420 Magazine's Monthly Newsletter - February 2007

Jim Finnel

Fallen Cannabis Warrior & Ex News Moderator
Re: February Newsletter

California Cannabis News Feb. 2007

Christianity 'Not A Real Religion'
When Reverend Craig X Rubin was arrested at his house of worship he asked the lead LAPD officer for the special rights accorded to clergy under California Penal Codes 1524 and 1525, but was told by the officer that his Bible-based Judeo-Christian organization, that was recognized by the state of California, was "not practicing a real religion."
Christianity 'Not A Real Religion'

New Medical Marijuana Dispensary in the Valley
A new medical marijuana dispensary is in business in Desert Hot Springs. This comes after raids at other shops in Palm Springs and Palm Desert and also around the Los Angeles area.
New Medical Marijuana Dispensary in the Valley

Court To Refine Medical-marijuana Law
The California Supreme Court agreed Wednesday to consider whether being a primary caregiver can be a defense against criminal charges of cultivating marijuana under the state's 1996 medical marijuana law.
Court To Refine Medical-marijuana Law

Another Pot Club Bites The Dust
Although closed, Valley Wellness Center in Tracy may continue legal fight.
The tale of the second medical marijuana dispensary to open in Tracy and San Joaquin County for that matter came to a quiet close over the weekend, with the same amount of fanfare as when it opened.
Another Pot Club Bites The Dust

A License To Chill
Surgeon General's Warning: Smoking Marijuana Can Be Hazardous to Your Health, Unless You Live in California and Suffer From Anorexia, Arthritis, Cancer, Chronic Pain or Any Other Illnesses.
A License To Chill

Rentals Often Used As Pot Farms
On the exterior, the tan, two-story, 2,000-square-foot home in northern Nevada looked immaculate, with a well-groomed yard that stretched over nearly five acres. Inside, though, two bedrooms in the home had been converted into marijuana greenhouses, complete with intricate electrical and irrigation systems meant to replicate a warm summer day, ideal weather for growing cannabis.
Rentals Often Used As Pot Farms

Ban On Pot Clubs Grows
The Rosemead City Council has adopted a temporary ban on medical marijuana clubs, joining the growing ranks of cities with prohibitions against the establishments
Ban On Pot Clubs Grows

Senate Oks Medical Marijuana Bill
For the third year in a row, the Senate has passed a bill that would allow for the restricted medicinal use of marijuana. The bill passed on a 34-7 vote Wednesday, and now moves to the House, where it has been defeated in each of the past two sessions.
Senate Oks Medical Marijuana Bill

Medical Pot Cuts Pain, Study Finds
Doctors at San Francisco General Hospital reported Monday that HIV-infected patients suffering from a painful nerve condition in their hands or feet obtained substantial relief by smoking small amounts of marijuana in a carefully constructed study funded by the state of California.
Medical Pot Cuts Pain, Study Finds

Medical Pot ID Program Falters
A lack of participation in a statewide medical marijuana identification card program is driving up the cost of those cards for patients across California - including those in Tulare County.
Medical Pot ID Program Falters

Worldwide Cannabis News Feb. 2007

Just What The Doctor Ordered
The year's harvest was almost gathered throughout the farms and foothills of rural Columbiana County, a short drive from Canton, when the sun rose on Sunday, October 3, 2004 and immediately set on Randy Brush. This was the morning Randy's slowly deteriorating health would become the least of his worries.
Just What The Doctor Ordered

Police Found Cannabis Factory At Man's Home
Stephen Hill, proprietor of the Natural store in Mill Road, Cambridge, is facing jail after setting up a sophisticated cannabisproducing operation at his large, detached house in Swaffham Bulbeck.
Police Found Cannabis Factory At Man's Home

Trooper on Routine Stop Finds $20,000 Worth of Marijuana
A state trooper who pulled over to help a motorist stranded on Interstate 95 found 8 pounds of marijuana valued at $20,000, police said.
Trooper on Routine Stop Finds $20,000 Worth of Marijuana

Traffic Stop Garners 445 lbs. of Marijuana
A routine traffic stop Saturday near Russellville netted 445 pounds of packaged marijuana allegedly being transported across the United States by an illegal immigrant, according to a report from Arkansas State Police Sgt. Kyle Drown.
Traffic Stop Garners 445 lbs. of Marijuana

Man Grew Marijuana Plants In Yard
Police on Tuesday arrested a man who they said was growing marijuana plants in plain sight in his backyard.
Man Grew Marijuana Plants In Yard

Washington Should Leave Potheads Alone
Two weeks ago, U.S. drug agents launched raids on 11 medical-marijuana centers in Los Angeles County. The U.S. attorney's office says they violated the laws against cultivation and distribution of marijuana. Whatever happened to America's federal system, which recognized the states as "laboratories of democracy"?
Washington Should Leave Potheads Alone

Live Free, Get High In N.H.?
Three New Hampshire representatives have proposed legislation that would legalize the use of marijuana in the "Live Free or Die" state. The legislators insist that the bill is in the state's interest due to the resources wasted in prosecution of what many consider a victimless crime.
Live Free, Get High In N.H.?

Second Man Charged in Scheme to Mail Marijuana
When police went to Thomas R. Santopietro Jr.'s apartment to question him about bricks of marijuana he allegedly mailed to himself, they found an empty Fed-Ex box on his porch and a crumpled wrapper with a pungent odor.
Second Man Charged in Scheme to Mail Marijuana

Locals Frown On Bill To Legalize Marijuana
A proposal to decriminalize marijuana in New Hampshire is getting an icy reception from local lawmakers and officials. "I wouldn't support it," said Sen. Mike Downing, R-Salem. "Will it make my job easier? No," said Salem prosecutor Robert Prince.
Locals Frown On Bill To Legalize Marijuana

Ex-policeman Gets 18 Years In Prison
A former Fayetteville police officer who admitted to breaking into homes and stealing drugs, money and property was sentenced Tuesday to 225 months in prison.
Ex-policeman Gets 18 Years In Prison
This is pretty sweet man, title with brief description .. with link, i love how the site gets better every where i look lol. :allgood: :headbanger:
Thanks. 420 helped me a bunch too.

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