cal mag

  1. Parmesan auto 27 days above ground

    Parmesan auto 27 days above ground

    Calcium deficiency treated with Calmag.
  2. Flowering formula-Silica-Cal-Mag

    Flowering formula-Silica-Cal-Mag

    Humboldt's Flower Stacker, Tree Trunk Fox Farm Bush Doctor
  3. Dos si Dos week 5.5

    Dos si Dos week 5.5

    After overwatering issues cal mag feed
  4. Calcium deficiency?

    Calcium deficiency?

    Just ordered cal mag just in case
  5. Verbalist

    How many mg of Calcium & Magnesium should I add to water?

    Hi! My plants having a calcium/magnesium defiency at the worst time, just when started the flowering stage. I dont have or either cant purcahse a cal/mag nutrient right now, so gotta improvise. Im having a calcium & calcium+magnesium tablets and sulfate for humans (Ca: 800mg & Mg...
  6. Different view frim 39x39 Mars Hydro, 2 Jack Herer/GSC. 2 Grandaddy purp

    Different view frim 39x39 Mars Hydro, 2 Jack Herer/GSC. 2 Grandaddy purp

    Philizon 630 watt 4 plants
  7. RedZedHead

    Cal Mag amounts for DWC and soil

    Hey guys, I've never used cal-mag before and I have GH cal-mag on the way to my home. I know my plants could certainly use it. However, none of the feed schedules I follow suggest any amount of cal-mag or suggest a supplement. Now I look to you guys to give me a solid ml per gallon estimate of...
  8. IMG_20200429_145652.jpg


    New cal mag to try this year.2-0-0 so cut more micro nutrients or grow I think micro HMm
  9. E

    Best nutrients paired with Cal-Mag for RO water

    I recently started my first cannabis grow. I'll try to keep it short and simple. I'm using RO water along with cal mag plus resulting at 110 ppm. Fox farm ocean forest soil. Water ph 6.4. My two clones (purple Punch&Green Crack) have began LST (no top/fim) after transplant a week ago are...
  10. paintedbudman

    Corona K2 Grow

    I haven't written a grow log in a while but I thought that I would do it again as a way to pass the time while I practice this new thing called social distancing. I feel I was born for this ..... been doing it my whole life. Recently Nirvana Seeds starting selling a strain called K2. Very high...
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    Cal Mag
  12. Rust spots

    Rust spots

    Def cal Mag
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    Picked up some more cal mag today to finish this run off like the 1–0-0 now ratio
  14. B3ACF23B-38C5-4EC4-A64D-B1845BB1E706.jpeg


    Def from earlier cal mag I think was the issue
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