Recent content by Zoot

  1. Z

    First Ever Grow - Auto White Widow x Auto Candy Cane

    My bad.. smoked too much last night.. guess I was on "auto" pilot haha go straight into the bigger ones then bro.. just be vigilant with feeding.. :)
  2. Z

    First Ever Grow - Auto White Widow x Auto Candy Cane

    You may find transplanting from such small pellets into 5gal pots maybe over kill.. watering etc becomes messy and harder to know what the plant needs down to the fact there is so little root for so much medium.. Might be worth doing what i do.. pot up to a 1 gal pot. Veg for 4 weeks and pot up...
  3. Z

    A Journal Just Because

    Going great so far.. shame about groot.. I just started training on my girls.. I'm subbed anyway dude :)
  4. Z

    Zoot's Perpetual 1800w Coco Cave

    Hey, I normally use this tent for vegging under flouro's and have a much bigger for flowering but have downsized so figure the 3 600s will cover the 16 girls perfectly near enough 5 plants under each.. will be a good one.. :)
  5. Z

    Zoot's Perpetual 1800w Coco Cave

    Decided to start training today. Smaller plants was a walk in the park.. bigger plants did not like it as all stems are to hard but managed to do some tying down on those.. looks so brutal on day 1 of LST-ing them but few days they will bounce back.. any way here's some new pics..
  6. Z

    First Ever Grow - Auto White Widow x Auto Candy Cane

    Depends on if I'm going from cut or seed.. seed I don't usually fed for 10 -14 days or untill the colydon leaves fall off.. always PH the water from day 1.. I usually feed just rhizotonic at 1ml per ltr for the first week no canna A+B untill day 19-21 depending on when I started the rhizo...
  7. Z

    Buying grow equipment in the UK

    2 things to be concerned about and that not being paranoid.. if the shops are doing anything dodgy like Bristol seed bank.. smoking weed in store, selling seeds at same place as grow equipment the piggies watch it like a hawk with frequent raids on the shop.. steer clear from buying from them...
  8. Z

    First Ever Grow - Auto White Widow x Auto Candy Cane

    First ever grow. Auto white widow x auto candy cane Yo.. I'm doing white widow x big bud, grown loads of the white family in the past.. go easy on the nutes as they can be fussy but once dialled in they blossom well.. I've been running coco for years.. any questions mate fire away :)
  9. Z

    First time coco grower: What's your best piece of advice?

    Do you have a grow separate to this? If so post a link and il have a look.. your welcome to have a look at mine aswell mate.. :)
  10. Z

    My first grow in coco

    When using any light.. it's lumen out put diminishes by half for every foot I travels so 140000 lumens at lamp on a 1kw then 70000 1 foot under lamp 35000 2 foot from lamp 17.500 3 foot from lamp 8.500 4 foot from lamp 4.250 5 foot from lamp.. Ideally you want 10000 lumens per square foot...
  11. Z

    First time coco grower: What's your best piece of advice?

    Read read read and just when your finished reading... read some more.. haha seriously tho best bit of advice I could give and I love coco is watch you PH and the way nutrients change that PH. Prevention is better than cure my friend. :)
  12. Z

    Is there any strain that will grow to harvest in 2.5 months

    2.5 months so let's say 11-12 weeks if going from 1st of May.. personally if you can get rooted cuttings then that is perfect 8 weeks flower and 2-3 weeks veg.. autos are ok but relatively low yields in comparison.. you can flower straight from seed.. they usually grow 2-3 weeks before they...
  13. Z

    Zoot's Perpetual 1800w Coco Cave

    Hi all and a warm welcome to my Grow room.. it's been a working progress and is situated In a spare bedroom.. lots of different grow styles, techniques and equipment has come and gone over the years, most of it now in the loft surplus to requirements.. in fact I've actually downsized in plant...
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