Recent content by weedyMcBong

  1. weedyMcBong

    Deja Vu

    I think you're high. I'm not quite sure I fully understand your post. I agree with the government/people machine/oil comparison. I'm just not sure what you're asking or saying.
  2. weedyMcBong

    Smoked for the first time in over a year

    Sounds like a good plan. And I don't work there anymore. I think drug testing is fine for the most part, except for when it comes to losing a job over marijuana.
  3. weedyMcBong

    Smoked for the first time in over a year

    Drug testing at my job. It was random testing, but I couldn't afford to take chances what with the economy being in the crapper.
  4. weedyMcBong

    Smoked for the first time in over a year

    Hah, thanks man! It's funny how low your tolerance is after that long.
  5. weedyMcBong

    Smoked for the first time in over a year

    well as long as I don't have to wait near as long ever again, I should be okay.
  6. weedyMcBong

    Smoked for the first time in over a year

    I can't put an exact number on it... My best estimated guess is probably 18 months or so.
  7. weedyMcBong

    Greetings from East Washington!

    Can't help you with the doctor issue... but welcome to the forum! RoorRip
  8. weedyMcBong

    Smoked for the first time in over a year

    last friday night. Felt good. It wasn't good weed by a longshot, but it did it's job. I can't believe it's been this long...I hope I don't have to go that long without it ever again. Anybody currently on a non-voluntary break? Or just started back again after one?
  9. weedyMcBong

    Favorite Stoner movie

    A poll would be a good idea. There are some movies that tie though. I remember right when I bought superbad on dvd, i had wanted to watch Grandma's boy when I was high. I was so high i put superbad in by mistake, and had no idea i had made a mistake until the movie was half over.
  10. weedyMcBong

    The American War on Pot Rolls On

    I'm all for rising up right now. I would like to see MJ legalized in my lifetime. Might not happen, but hey, I can hope.
  11. weedyMcBong

    The American War on Pot Rolls On

    It's sad really. All the facts have long been exposed. I guess MJ will be legalized when we find another scapegoat.
  12. weedyMcBong

    Stomach pains - seeking advice

    I'm not sure if maybe the green stool was related to a disease/condition, but I know that drinking the dark blue "berry" gatorade turns mine green. Even one of the small 12 oz bottles. So maybe look into what you had to eat and drink.
  13. weedyMcBong

    I've had a bad scare about a year ago. Buddy and me were working together. We smoked more than...

    I've had a bad scare about a year ago. Buddy and me were working together. We smoked more than one can imagine on a sunday. The very next day at work, he got tested. Didn't turn out so well for him.
  14. weedyMcBong

    Understandable. I haven't smoked in over a year. Random drug testing. I think that's why I...

    Understandable. I haven't smoked in over a year. Random drug testing. I think that's why I haven't really been on the site much.
  15. weedyMcBong

    Thanks. I plan on sticking around a little longer this time, and hopefully posting more regularly.

    Thanks. I plan on sticking around a little longer this time, and hopefully posting more regularly.
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