Recent content by tanzaspeed

  1. Bublegummer 2 weeks  floration

    Bublegummer 2 weeks floration

  2. Me and my baby :D

    Me and my baby :D

  3. tanzaspeed

    How long it takes I can notice the buds after induce to floration? (pic!)

    So after 6 days I induced my plant to floration it looks like this! :D
  4. After 6 days of floration.

    After 6 days of floration.

  5. Bubblegummer starting to grow buds :D

    Bubblegummer starting to grow buds :D

  6. tanzaspeed

    How long it takes I can notice the buds after induce to floration? (pic!)

    So I'm inducing my bubblegummer of 10 weeks and 22" tall to floration. My question is simple: How long it takes so the buds start to grow and we can be able to notice them just a bit? I know normally it takes around 8 weeks in flower completely (at least this stain), but it's first time I...
  7. Question about floration and buds

    Question about floration and buds

    So I'm inducing my bubblegummer of 10 weeks and 22 tall to floration. My question is simple: How long it takes so the buds start to grow and we can be able to notice them just a bit? I know normally it takes around 8 weeks in flower completely this stain, but it's first time I grow it too and...
  8. tanzaspeed

    I need help cloning

    What I did to clone my plant was cheap and simple! I took a razor blade and I cutted one of the lowest "secondary branches" (I dont know if you understand me? the branches that grow after-upper yout first branches) but in 45°. After that with the same razor blade I "peel" around 1 cm (1/2 of...
  9. My bubblegummer clone with honey growing great !

    My bubblegummer clone with honey growing great !

    This is a clone I made of my bubblegummer before I put her in floration period. I made it cutting a secondary branch in 45° with a new razor blade and honey as a rooter! It works perfectly and is cheap and natural. Also I peel a bit the branch in the down part to facilitate the growing of the roots.
  10. tanzaspeed

    Hello Everyone!

    Thanks! <3
  11. My Bubblegummer growing beautifully

    My Bubblegummer growing beautifully

    This is my bubblegummer (from femelle seeds), 10 weeks old since germination, 22 tall. Ready to floration period!!!
  12. tanzaspeed

    Hello Everyone!

    Hello everyone! I am really excited to be here, more yet because I've never being in a forum before hehe. I'm Constanza (Tanza), woman, chilean, resident in french Canada. I'm 23 years old, musician, fashion designer and pothead, haha. I spend almost all my time with my boy sitting by my side...
  13. tanzaspeed

    Panic attacks and agoraphobia

    My friend, I am new in this forum so first that all: Hello! I'm sorry to read you have panic attacks and agoraphobia, I know what you're passing through because I have the same, plus social phobia. It's totally not cool, specially because I'm naturally social and friendly! Well, I must say I...
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