Recent content by Soildawg

  1. Chocolate chunk1.jpeg

    Chocolate chunk1.jpeg

    Chocolate chunk
  2. Chocolate chunk.jpeg

    Chocolate chunk.jpeg

    Chocolate chunk
  3. S

    POTM 420 Magazine's Plant of the Month: September 2022

    Chocolate chunk gettin chunky, but she’s well anchored 🤗
  4. Happy Girls

    Happy Girls

  5. S

    Help pick the next run

    Week 6 of veg on the nanaz. Getting flipped next Friday
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  8. S

    Help pick the next run

    The nanaz update Starting week 5 of veg I raised my light up a little bit I would like a little more stretch b4 I flip to flower, I have the extra head room running my fan and filter outside of the tent
  9. S

    Help pick the next run

    2x4 update here The Violet fuel are out growing there solo cups going to have to fire the other 2x4 up to fit them for vegging. Thinking about sinking another bean to just run an even Steven 6 and trying to flower the 6 nanaz in there as a test never flowered that many in there at once. I have...
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  12. S

    Help pick the next run

    Pretty packed at the moment lol
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