Recent content by SmokzAlot

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  3. SmokzAlot

    Nutrients for coco coir?

    Your choices are decent... What have I used in coco? (not in any particular order) Blue Planet Nutrients Jungle Juice Botanicare CNS17 OC+ Various salts based veg -n- garden types
  4. SmokzAlot

    Lets Talk Coco! Organics & Salts

    Light placement So many variables when it comes to light management. Open fixture vs closed makes a big difference. I find it best to learn to read the signs of being to close. Easiest way to achieve this is by starting at the shorter distance and watch carefully. A good rule of thumb is to...
  5. SmokzAlot

    Lets Talk Coco! Organics & Salts

    In my garden of green it is the opposite. I use standard plastic planters with a drain hole and bottom cap. Most often I run straight coco and use the weight method to judge conditions. Pay notice to how heavy it is when dry at first planting for a baseline weight. Most days I water every other...
  6. SmokzAlot

    BID 5.1 Digital Dual JDL 600s - 4x4 - Organic Coco Perpetual

    Re: BID 5.1 Digital Dual JDL 600s - 4x4 - Blue Planet Nutrients - Organic Coco Perpet I too enjoy the Bubble, the aroma so enhances the experience of growing as well. I also find it a easy indoor variety much like Northern Lights. I definitely need to pop a few more, but for now its AK48 and...
  7. SmokzAlot

    OldMedMan's Aloha Journal Part 2

    Wow, the train hasn't even left the station and the first car is almost full. Squeezin in..... yet another OMM Bud Bonanza Shh's on the D/L with Jo :shhh:
  8. SmokzAlot

    My first grow!

    Things are looking good considering the size. Don't be afraid to re-pot, it can be done anytime. I bet you are root bound which will limit production greatly. If you choose to re-pot, let it dry a bit then just slide it out, cut a few 1/2" deep slits in the sides that once touched the pot. Then...
  9. SmokzAlot

    OldMedMan's Aloha Journal

    Did I neglect to mention I like to keep my grows stress free, from germination to destination. Easy and simple is good. In this concept we try to maximize our grow to produce more with less. Here in enters the stress... pushing for performance. Find your balance and cruise. Some prefer soil vs...
  10. SmokzAlot

    OldMedMan's Aloha Journal

    It's a gift no matter the weight, some are just better than others. We all dream of the Perfect Harvest! :yummy:
  11. SmokzAlot

    OldMedMan's Aloha Journal

    I feel you OMM, the more I have the more I smoke. I'll start rationing tomorrow....... yeah right Till then I'll be a happy camper... :grinjoint: pass it over here already...
  12. SmokzAlot

    BID 5.1 Digital Dual JDL 600s - 4x4 - Organic Coco Perpetual

    Re: BID 5.1 Digital Dual JDL 600s - 4x4 - Blue Planet Nutrients - Organic Coco Perpet Once a tea hits it's prime we will call it, it's good for about 3 days. If you refrigerate it then it can last 7-10 days. I tend to make about 3-5 gals at a time.
  13. SmokzAlot

    OldMedMan's Aloha Journal

    Things are looking great in the OMM garden. Wonderful harvest and an anxious dry time. Hope all finish as well and provides you a heady stash till the next trip... Always enjoy the read... U Da'MAN
  14. SmokzAlot

    BID 5.1 Digital Dual JDL 600s - 4x4 - Organic Coco Perpetual

    Re: BID 5.1 Digital Dual JDL 600s - 4x4 - Blue Planet Nutrients - Organic Coco Perpet The best lessons are the ones learned with experience. We as growers learn our own bad habits as well, when it reflects in the plants. Laziness with an indoor garden will burn you every time. I agree with your...
  15. SmokzAlot

    Lets Talk Coco! Organics & Salts

    Good Thread BID Let me drop my hat and offer what help I can. I have quite a few coco grows under my belt. I think I have covered most uses in the garden, from cloning to germinating to harvest. My garden has thrived in straight Canna Coco. Variety of nutes along the way, from dry salts to...
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