Recent content by smokr1

  1. S

    How long do nutes "keep" for

    it shocks them into flowering basically , you will see signs of flowering in a couple of days after the lights is turned back on 12/12 , you can also change your times on/off to different hrs of the day too , i ussually shut it off at the time im going to be shutting it off and then have it come...
  2. S

    How long do nutes "keep" for

    i leave in 24 - 36 hours of darkness when going to 12/12 , then you can set your times wherever you want ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, smokr1
  3. S

    Is it ok to trim lower branches during flower cycle?

    i trim the hell out of mine , most people wouldnt agree ,but it doesnt seam to affect anything , as far as i can see , experiment more on one plant and see what happens , its not like your going to kill it ,,,,,,,,,,, smokr1
  4. S

    Cfl vs hps?

    i use t5's all the way with amazing results , i use a sun blaze 8 4ft. with two extra lights mounted on each side of it for a total of 10 8 blue 2 red in veg and 6 red and 4 blue in flower , i grow scrog in a 2ft. x 4 ft. closet , it really produces , i just harvested 19 oz;s out of six plants...
  5. S

    Suggestions on a good PH meter

    hannah combo ,spend the money for quality ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, smokr1
  6. S

    Scrog question?

    you want to let it grow up through the screen like 3 or 4 inches and pull it back down and let the shoot to grow horizontal along the screen with the nodes growing up through the holes in the screen , this is my first attempt at scrog so my knowlage is limited to this experiance , munki and...
  7. S

    Scrog question?

    hey seeker2be ,,,,,,,,,, i have another question on page 3 in this forum theres a couple people on there that helped me out , and they have a few good links on there too go to that question and read what they told me and they will answer any questions you may have , i was like you i read alot...
  8. S

    Monster cropping?

    the plant looks beautiful ,,,,,,,,,,, was jus kiddin about the monster part :peace: smokr1
  9. S

    Monster cropping?

    Re: Monster cropping ??? doesnt look to monster to me !!!!!!!!!!! you could take cuttings and grow em faster than taking flowering cuttings ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, theres nothing super about it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. S

    Scrog question?

    rite on dogstick , i use trial and error method on the computer ill figure it out im almost there , you will like my grow ,,,,,,,fosho ,,,,,,,, its kickin ass fillin the screen,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, smokr2 :peace:
  11. S

    Scrog question?

    thats what im hoping from what i read and the pics, iv seen it sure looks like its a good way to go , we will see this is my first experiment with the scrog ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, thanks for the link dogstick i found that earlier today , to tell you the truth its still alot to take in ...
  12. S

    Scrog question?

    hey munki ,,,,,,,,,,, they really like the screen its crankin , i have six plants going and 3 are dominant i put them in the back so it will fill first i can see its going to do good , i have pics of everything , im a little computer illiterate , and dont really know how to post, i will make...
  13. S

    When to Super Crop?

    should do during the veg period , i start at 10 - 15 days , they will have a growth spurt when you flip them , so it wont hurt to do some now ................................. smokr1 :peace:
  14. S

    Monster cropping?

    Re: Monster cropping ??? do you meen super cropping ???????????????
  15. S

    Anyone use electric type of shears for trimming?

    theres a guy on you tube that has electic scissors he made and they kick ass , i saw it when i was checkin out the pro cut trimmer look for it ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, smokr1:peace:
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