Recent content by Mr Blonde

  1. M

    Thanks for the rating!!

    Thanks for the rating!!
  2. M

    First Timer in a Small Space

    So I ended up with 6.4 oz. It's really smooth and a nice heady high. Truly nice to finally have grown my own medicine. I love it. Thanks to all for the support and information. I'm taking a break while I figure out my living situation but I'll be back one day. 420 Mag rulz!! Thanks again...
  3. M

    Fan Leaf Removal. oops

    That's what I've read also ol hipp!
  4. M

    First Timer in a Small Space

    I agree with the experience thing. Jorge seems to have it down brother! I'm really obsessive because it's my first grow. But when I begin again I think I'll be a little more relaxed about it. I've seen ppl that do 12/12 from seed. They do fine. This being my first and I'm doing hydro I...
  5. M

    First Timer in a Small Space

    Thanks langa. I don't know if I'm a natural but I will tell you this. I read alot. Alot. Alot. I bought Jorge Cervantes' book called Marijuana Horticulture The indoor/outdoor Medical Growers Bible. I've read it cover to cover (though not in order) at least 5 times on this grow. I obsess...
  6. M

    Poor Man's CFL Closet Grow - First Plant

    Re: Poor Mans CFL Closet Grow - First Plant Sanibel hit it on the's the waiting!! I love it. Love what you improved! Lots of people start that way. Patience is all that's required! Looking good and lots of resin there!!:bravo:
  7. M

    First Timer in a Small Space

    I actually don't know where we're going to end up. I also am hoping the job situation brings me out west. MM is legal where I am as well but I prefer the climate out west along with the attitudes. Central coast could be wonderful. I love N. Cali. I've been there a couple of times and it's...
  8. M

    First Timer in a Small Space

    Thanks Olhip! Actually I have to chop on next Friday because I'm moving across the country on next sunday. So I won't have another grow for like 6 mos or more. But when I do finally get situated I'm setting up a wonderful grow. I've been planning it in my head since I started this one. I'm...
  9. M

    First Timer in a Small Space

    Here's the update: Plants were moved to 12/12 on 26 May. So I'm at Week 9 or Day 67. April has 2 main thick fat colas that are much much larger than the 15 or so others. I took April out of the cabinet and cleared out the closet which is much more open to give her space to breathe. She...
  10. 730 9 weeks Flowering

    730 9 weeks Flowering

  11. 730 9 weeks Flowering

    730 9 weeks Flowering

  12. 730 9 weeks Flowering

    730 9 weeks Flowering

  13. 730 9 weeks Flowering

    730 9 weeks Flowering

  14. 730 9 weeks Flowering

    730 9 weeks Flowering

  15. 730 9 weeks Flowering

    730 9 weeks Flowering

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