Recent content by kamiljayah

  1. 20170717_112648


  2. 20170717_112603


  3. 20170717_112551


  4. 20170717_112443


  5. 20170717_112406


  6. 20170717_112249


  7. kamiljayah

    What kind of big is this?

    Try neem oil, it will even benefit for the future to keep pests away.
  8. kamiljayah

    white mite problem!!!

    Try neem oil, works well!
  9. kamiljayah

    Is this a pest?

    Definite pest, remove now! I had the same issue, I grow fully organic. Try neem oil as a repellent, works well.
  10. kamiljayah

    What's wrong with my plants

    That looks like severe light burn.
  11. kamiljayah

    Day 20 SnowBud - Too small? Slow growth?

    I had the same problem, changing the soil did help plus I gave it some compost tea. For me I think I was lacking light, now my plant has a good 10-12 hour exposure. Check out my before & after pics...
  12. kamiljayah

    I need a hand here if you guys could?

    Could it be a possibility of excess nutrients? Nitrogen toxicity?
  13. kamiljayah

    First time grower from the tropics - Need help!

    Anyone know the maximum lifespan of an autoflower?
  14. kamiljayah

    First time grower from the tropics - Need help!

    I transferred her to a complete outdoor grow.
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