Recent content by Justin Goody

  1. Justin Goody

    Stocking Up For The Apocalypse: Goody's Perpetual Grow By The Beach 2020

    Happy Monday from CapJunky 2 And Queen G x Wizard Have a great week, growers
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  4. Justin Goody

    Stocking Up For The Apocalypse: Goody's Perpetual Grow By The Beach 2020

    This outdoor auto is getting the kind of legs I like to see. Long and thickening up from the wind. She should fill out nicely. Good secondary branching happening down low, the intense sun does beautiful things sometimes.
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  6. Justin Goody

    Stocking Up For The Apocalypse: Goody's Perpetual Grow By The Beach 2020

    I throw leaves out the door sometimes and I always wondered what became of them. Came upon this scene, apparently the slugs are partying. One man’s trash …. 😂
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  10. Justin Goody

    Stocking Up For The Apocalypse: Goody's Perpetual Grow By The Beach 2020

    I actually wait until training is about 10-12 days in before they go outside. Easier to train them indoors and once they go outside I basically leave them alone and the sun/wind does the rest. I don’t really harden, I just take them outside mid afternoon so they get a few hours, by the next day...
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  12. Justin Goody

    Stocking Up For The Apocalypse: Goody's Perpetual Grow By The Beach 2020

    I do! And always labels. Luckily most of what I’ve done is documented here so I can always use it as reference. It’s 6am and I’m fishing, not a bad way to start the weekend off
  13. Justin Goody

    Stocking Up For The Apocalypse: Goody's Perpetual Grow By The Beach 2020

    Indoor autos - Alaskan BananaBerry x Wizard (front) just starting training. 2 Wookiees X Wizard- The little one in the hempy type pot was a late starting runt so I’ll run an experiment on her. The other bigger sis is getting pretty so far.see those familiar Wookiee 1 and 3 fingered leaves...
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