Recent content by HighHope

  1. H

    How To Make Concentrated Cannabis Oil

    I have one question for everyone who has made oil so far. If I'm getting 3gms of oil from around 10gms of hash(not necessarily high quality) or around 1 ounce of buds so shall I believe that this 3 gms is pure THC/CBD that that hash or buds are having or there could be different meaning to it as...
  2. H

    How To Make Concentrated Cannabis Oil

    Thank you so much Motoco for the detailed instructions and pls pass on my thanks to the Dr. I'm still in that jetlag mode but I'll make sure I go through each point twice just to make sure I understand it correctly. Meanwhile, I asked my brother (who lives with my mom) as to why Dr . prescribed...
  3. H

    How To Make Concentrated Cannabis Oil

    Thanks Motoco. One more thing I want to add here is she is getting lot of phlegm(mucus) when she is coughing. We had the chest x-ray done and everything looks clean so we are not sure where is this mucus coming from. That is also bugging her when she eats anything.
  4. H

    How To Make Concentrated Cannabis Oil

    She doesn't have a tube. Doctors there didn't prescribe it. They said she is too weak to have that. Her weight has recently been dropped to 43Kgs which is alarming. I'm still here and leaving tomorrow. Can you please check with your doc friend if he suggest anything that I can take from here...
  5. H

    How To Make Concentrated Cannabis Oil

    I was going thru this post again to try out the raw honey/green tea combination but I have one small doubt.. you mentioned ".....raw honey mixed with warm green tea Four healthy tablespoons to about 10 ounces of green tea" Do you mean we take 4 tblspoon to 10 ounces of lose green tea...
  6. H

    How To Make Concentrated Cannabis Oil

    Thank you everyone for sharing the tips & tricks. I'll certainly try the baby food but the issue is she has tumor on her tongue as well(spread on to her tongue from throat) so it becomes really very hard for her to swallow anything as it needs your tongue to push food back to your throat to...
  7. H

    How To Make Concentrated Cannabis Oil

    Hello Everyone, I know this may be a little off topic but can anyone suggest any thing for my mother to overcome her weakness. She is suffering from carcinoma (throat tumor) and can hardly eat or drink anything(all fluid form). She has gone weak and getting weaker everyday. While we are working...
  8. H

    Cannabis Oil Dosing Tutorial: Tacking Method

    @cajun - What is MCF?
  9. H

    How To Make Concentrated Cannabis Oil

    Thanks Cajun for the very useful information. Does anyone here know how to make oil from the "seeds" extracted from the female plants?
  10. H

    How To Make Concentrated Cannabis Oil

    Thanks again Motoco.
  11. H

    How To Make Concentrated Cannabis Oil

    Thanks Smokes.. I have got another question for you depending upon your exp with oil from hash... How much oil do you think an ounce of hash would yield?
  12. H

    How To Make Concentrated Cannabis Oil

    Thanks for explaining that Motoco and thanks to SmokesDaKush as well. I'm going to try that tacking method that you have mentioned above on my mother and will see if it helps. Thanks again to everyone for being so helpful.
  13. H

    How To Make Concentrated Cannabis Oil

    Thanks a lot Motoco. I really appreciate you going all the way and finding the resolution for my query. Couple of questions though... 1. what do you mean when you said "He said it works excellent in the 'tacking' method but reminded me it was pure Indica so keep that in mind." 2. Does it...
  14. H

    How To Make Concentrated Cannabis Oil

    Thanks Cajuncelt. Is it a regular blood test?
  15. H

    How To Make Concentrated Cannabis Oil

    Thank you so much Motoco. I'm eagerly waiting for your response.
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