Recent content by CdnJeepGirl

  1. CdnJeepGirl

    New grower

    Almost half done! Not bad at all! Thanks again guys!
  2. CdnJeepGirl

    New grower

    I pulled the dwarf plants, ran out of MM and got desperate lol But the ditch plants are doing REALLY well and my one box one is close to being done. I suspect it's a sativa with some CBD because it relaxes the body a lot but still makes me sleepy I'm just very proud of them. First time...
  3. CdnJeepGirl

    New grower

    How is best to dry it out? When do I start to trim the buds?
  4. CdnJeepGirl

    Pelvic Trauma Severe!

    I had an open book fracture of the pelvis and have metal on it now, along with breaking another 20 or so bones. Thankfully I'm alive and still in recovery, almost 8 years later. It's a trial and error thing. Each pain needs a different part of the plant. Each person needs a different plant...
  5. CdnJeepGirl

    New grower seeking advice

    The leaves don't look healthy, maybe this pic will help You?
  6. CdnJeepGirl

    New grower

    Started adding Nitrogen, yellowing has faded. Most are still growing but one is budding really well!! So proud -♀️
  7. CdnJeepGirl

    New grower

  8. CdnJeepGirl

    New grower

    Update: They are doing well! I may get some buds and save myself some coins!! So excited! More meds the better for Me! Ok this back one is not so good, but hoping I can bring her back. And my back-up buds are doing well. I can't get to them very well as my legs don't work but they are still...
  9. CdnJeepGirl

    Seeds For High CBD Low THC Cannabis In Canada

    I'm looking too please
  10. CdnJeepGirl

    New grower

    The ones in the ditch are a bit slow in the process, not sure why but they are ok. My porch babies are doing REALLY well though! I may have to trim them so they don't grow over the fence. They are budding & bushing out really well!!!! I pulled all the males, dried them and used half to...
  11. CdnJeepGirl

    New CND grow girl!

    I'm making the best of it though ✌
  12. CdnJeepGirl

    New grower

    Mistery seeds from a friend lol I have some in my "Ditch" ... Some up on my deck, so I can treat them well ✌
  13. CdnJeepGirl

    New grower

    All planted in the yard. In the ditch, but it gets up to 13 hrs of light there when it stops raining here in Ont 3 have started flowering, 4 were broken by a friends kid fucking around and I showed her what he did. I'm a bit nervous about them, heard stories of thrives and shit but my one...
  14. CdnJeepGirl

    New grower

    What do I do when they start showing flowers?
  15. CdnJeepGirl

    New grower

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